1.6K 109 55

Walking into the office, I feel like a whole new person. I receive many congratulations as I maneuver to my office and thank everyone. I'm married to the love of my life and soon, I'm going to bring up the idea of having kids. This is the man I'm spending the rest of my life with. Which also means that he will have to know my occupation very soon. That's the only thing that I'm dreading.

Inside my office, I smile as I see a congratulations banner on the wall behind my seat and balloons and flowers on my desk. I work with some amazing people go come back to this. Taking my seat, I read the card that was left for me, sitting it upright on the desk after. I take a few moments to take all this in before my reality hits. I'm back to work, which means I'm back to killing.

I turn my computer on, and wait for all the loading and updates to finish. I go straight to my emails and find a mission already waiting for me. I open it to see what it all entails.

Welcome back, Olivia! Here is your assignment.

Male, between the ages of 28-34. This one is a bit more difficult. This man is one that remains anonymous, even in daylight. We have no name for him aside from there is "Gi" somewhere in his name, nor do we have a picture of his face. We have pictures of him dressed in all black with a black face mask and bucket hat. We only know locations for drop offs and picks ups, and what he does. He works with selling illegal firearms to vendors overseas with no firearm license. The mission was to only get intel, but he has eluded us every time. From what we understand, he isn't the head of the company he works at, but he is close to the top. And if we kill him after getting the information we need, we get that much closer to who is running the operation without him going back and telling.

Protocol: Spy and takedown.

Mission: Interrogate and ASSASSINATE.

This is an independent assignment, but if you would like backup, contact Kim Taehyung. Look into security cameras, track locations, and corner him when alone. Footage of security cameras are attached. Collect as much information about his boss as possible, and execute assassination when you feel you have sufficient information. Methods for assassination are up to your discretion.

Good luck Olivia. Contact me with any questions.

-Kim Namjoon, Head of K.K.

*file(s) attached (6)*

Lovely. My first mission back and it's basically with an invisible man.  I've had cases like this before, and it's very stressful. Working with no leads, not even an alias name, is difficult. This person can potentially be a foreigner or even a woman. If I want to make this assignment go smoothly, I have to start right now.

I open the files of the security cameras and pay close attention, writing down what I can in my notes. This person is quick on their feet. On the first tape, they're in the train station as they bump into someone and drop a bag similar to theirs. They pick up the opposite bag and continue walking the other way. The exchange is seamless and nothing hitches. It's the same routine in the other videos, but in different locations until the 5th video comes back to the train station. They seem to do it when the place is crowded and people are moving. Less suspicious, I assume.

I scratch my head, wondering why they haven't been able to catch this guy and why they waited for me. There's a knock on my door and I signal for whoever is there to come in. Namjoon walks in with a smile as he sits across from me.

"Welcome back, newlywed."

I return the smile. "Thanks, Namjoon. I feel like those 3 weeks flew."

"And they dragged her." He whines. "This guy that we've been tracking hasn't been seen in almost a month. And just yesterday, he pops up again."

"That's odd." I lean back in my seat. "I caught a pattern. He goes back to that train station every 4 transactions. I need to track him. I need to tap in to the station cameras for the next few weeks. From these time stamps, he hits spots every 3 days so I'm bound to catch him a few times on the cameras."

Namjoon nods, pulling out his phone and sending a text. "Jungkook is back, so he'll hack and get you access to the cameras."

"Thank you."

Namjoon takes a moment to stare at my ring and I notice a small smile grace his lips. "That's a nice sized rock on your finger, Mrs. Lang-Min."

"Ya think so?" I hold my hand out in front of my face playfully as I examine that beautiful diamond on my ring finger. "Yeah, it is pretty nice."

"What made you hyphenate your last name?"

I shrug. "I know that Koreans don't take their significant other's last names, but in America we do if we want to. So I decided that I wanted his last name with mine."

"I think it's a very nice gesture. I'm sure he likes that you have it."

My computer dings from an email and I open it to see Jungkook sent me information on getting into the cameras. "Man, he's the best damn hacker in the world. That was fast."

"That's why we have him." Namjoon chuckles. "I'll leave you to it. Again, Taehyung is backup if you need him and let me know if you have questions or any issue."

Namjoon leaves me to my work and when I click the link in the email, it brings me to footage being taken in real-time. I nod in satisfaction, planning to give Jungkook the fattest hug for getting me in as quickly as he did.

I find myself watching the footage for a good 4 hours, looking up only when Taehyung comes through the door with food. "I got you juice, steamed dumplings, and rice."

"You're the best." I smile, taking the food and digging right in. "I don't get why it was so damn hard for them to catch this guy's movement. It's the same every time. He brings a big ass black duffle bag, bumps into someone with the same bag, and picks up the one that I'm assuming has money in it. And he does it ever single time."

Taehyung hums, taking one of the dumplings. "I couldn't tell you, honestly. Seems like they just wanted to wait for you to get back. Apparently the guy has been MIA for a few weeks."

"Well, this is one that they could have done. I'm sure he could be tracked down easily." I look back at the screen to see something suspicious. A man in all black with a black mask and black bucket hat. Along with a black duffle bag. "Come over here, Tae. Look at this."

He hops up and comes over to my side to stare at the screen with me.  The guy bumps into someone with the exact same bag, and picks up the opposite one, walking away. Oh, this is just too fucking easy.

I laugh, leaning back and clapping my hands. Taehyung can't hide his smile either. "No fucking way."

"This is gonna be a damn cake walk. He's gonna hit up 3 spots in between, then come back to this one. So I give it about 2 and a half weeks. I'm gonna be at the station and follow him."

"Do you need me?"

"I think I got this." I say. "If I need you, I'll let you know."

I finish my food, content with the position I'm in now. I got this guy. This is going to be a lot easier than I anticipated.


Hi! Oof, it's been so long since I've updated this. I really am sorry. I think I'll be able to update this more. It's a short story & im planning 7 more chapters. Stay tuned for it!


ASSASSINATION {MYG AU}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ