3 ; his heart's nightmare

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Florante knew how to make someone happy. As if he couldn't have been anymore beautiful than he already was.

"You scared me," Florante said. He knew good places to hide in the castle—places Aladin didn't know existed, and he was certain he had scurried around the entire place. They were in a secret area behind a tapestry of King Linceo and the late Queen. Cozy.

"Why?" Aladin hugged his knees. He tried to object Florante's pity—but soon he was wrapped in blankets and a cup of water sat beside him. If he didn't request not to be in his room, he was sure Florante would tuck him in and wait until he fell asleep.

"Your heart," he said simply. Like that made all the sense in the world. And now that he thought of it, to Florante it probably did seem uncomplicated. It was all clarity to him.

"What?" No matter the idioms ad the flowery words, he loved listening to him. Even if he had to make him repeat what he said with simpler words.

"You almost broke it."

"I did?"


"How?" Here he was again, talking about the heart. The heart. Like it was so easy to understand.

"That much sorrow. . . ." Florante shook his head disapprovingly. "You could have found me."

Now, Aladin really didn't understand him. Not at all. "I don't get you."

Florante sighed. He looked at him, confused that he didn't understand his poetic wit about the heart. "Why didn't you tell anyone?"


"Your depression."

Oh. That is what he meant.

Even if it was so hard to understand him if you had no idea how to handle eloquent people—Aladin liked it.

"There was no one to tell," he muttered. "Believe me."

"There was me," Florante said again.

Shocked, Aladin bit back a retort. "How would i have known?"

"You look at me a lot." Florante stretched his legs in front of him. He rolled his shoulders a bit. "You look at me in the halls. I was waiting for you to start a conversation. I assumed you would, because you did with Laura."


"Your eyes. They were just so, so, so sad," he continued. Softly. "I heard your heart today. It is so sad. I don't want anyone to be that sad."

"The world isn't a perfect place, Florante."

At the mention of his name, Florante looked up. Green eyes, dark as night indeed. "I know that. But I want to save you from it."


"You are my friend."

"No I am not."

"Now you are."

Aladin sipped his water.

Florante was playing with his own fingers, his hair falling in front of his eyes. Gorgeous. "It is my ability, you see. I like to read people. I only pretend I can see their hearts, though—it comforts me."

hiraeth (floradin)Where stories live. Discover now