⁹ real life.

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BRO. ayo, little bill!

CHRISTIAN, stood against the wall of the diner, that he was sent to by the requests of his sort of friend, Michael. With one hand, Christian rubbed over his brown and back splotches that represented leopard print. The other hand clutched onto the turquoise colored hat, and his thumb ran over the threading of the design.

His Golf Le Fleur converse clad foot stood up against the wall, keeping Christian steady. He had waited out the time that it would take for Michael to arrive. He skated around Los Angeles, browsed through a few stores, made a few conversations with elderly woman, and then ended up into an Uber headed towards the best chicken and waffle spot.

Christian couldn't wait to get inside, his stomach was famished, as the only foods he's taken in for the whole day had been four bowls of Cheerios and two packs of beef Ramen noodles. He needed a real substance inside of his body. The male, would look around occasionally to see if he could spot the actor, but the parking lot was a quiet scene and either everybody left or there wasn't anyone there to begin with.

Christian took out his phone, to take the edge off, scrolling through his friends feeds on Instagram. He swiped and swiped, and hopefully Michael's account would pop up on his page— not that he would fangirl over it. Whatever friendship they were building had the undertones of sweet, smooth, and strictly friendly.

MICHAEL, had finished filming, maybe ten minutes ago. He grabbed his backpack from his dressing room, threw it in the seat next to him, and climbed into the Uber. The actor, had on a calm green colored bomber, with a dark hoodie under. Both products of clothing covered the gray shirt he had under, but the weather tonight, packed a small breeze and it wouldn't hurt to wear more articles of clothing.

He was pretty eager, definitely. One, because just like Christian— he was starved. On set today, they were serving fruit, and even though Michael took one strawberry too many, his body still longed for actual food. Also, Christian. He had never seen the man in person, and didn't really even know that he existed. Not until those memes were sent to him on that night.

Right now, the driver was making turns left and right, and as much as he did take interest in whatever playlists the driver could have; he'd much rather listen to the Black Panther Album. The tones of Khalid and Swae Lee filled his connected earbuds, and his eyes fluttered open and closed to the sounds.

He had overworked himself in the vibes of Scum Fuck Flower Boy, and some songs off of Wolf and Cherry Bomb, yet he needed a small break from the either radical lyrics or the vulnerability that Christian brought. He needed a different type of vulnerability. Or— to at least see him in person.

The Uber pulled into the familiar parking lot that Michael's stood in three times before. He saluted to the driver, grabbed his bag, and scanned the area for a presumed brightly colored clothing clad brown skinned man . To which was exactly what he found.

Michael grinned at the sight of him, and he cupped his brawn hands to the sides of his mouth and yelled, "ayo, little bill!" Immediately stirring a reaction from the other. Christian looked up, and his eyes spotted Michael's in an instant— yet the actor just nodded his head towards the entrance of the diner.

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