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BRO. lalalalala.

CHRISTIAN stood outside of B. Jordan's
house for maybe ten minutes. He had his
hands in his pocket, and in his mind he was
practicing what he thought he might say.

"So— that kiss, huh? It was. ." Christian shook
his head, as if that would get rid of his thoughts.
He mumbled, "fuck this," and then decided to walk off.

MICHAEL had been watching from his peep hole.
He chuckled at the quizzical expressions that took over Christian's face, and the pacing that the younger male kept doing.

When Michael hears Christian mumble, fuck this, and started to walk off– that's when he opens the door.

"LITTLE BILL!" Michael yells, standing outside of his door. His hands in his sweatshirt pockets. Christian turns around slowly, his eyes landing immediately on Michael. He tightly smiles, walking towards the man.

They dap quickly, Christian avoiding any tingles from their hands touching, and Michael let's Christian inside. Michael closes the door behind him, his hands then returning to the pockets, and his eyes following the movements of Christian who observes the place.

It was nice. "Ya mom and pop's downstairs or. .?" Christian asks. Michael nods to the stairs, "they're room is actually upstairs, but right now, they're out." Christian hums in understanding, continuing to walk around. He then turns to look at Michael who leans his body on one of the undecorated walls. Christian holds his hands out, "you gon' give me a tour?"

"You didn't give me one."

"Well technically that's 'cause you were too busy making fun of my cooking."

"Only because it sucked ass." Michael points out, and Christian gives him the finger. "But c'mon, it's all homey in here. I want to see the rest,"

CHRISTIAN would do everything
that he could to make sure that the real
conversation was saved for last.

MICHAEL understands Christian's game though.
The real conversation was going to happen now, not later. He knows if the convo happened later, Christian would probably fake yawn and then leave. Nope, that's not gonna do down.

"Thanks," Michael shakes his head. "But nah, we got better things to do." Christian narrows his head down, "we do?" Michael laughs, beckoning him towards the couch. "Yes, we do."  Christian whines, then follows the older male to the couch. He slumps down in defeat.

Michael raises his eyebrow. "I—"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"I didn't ask, little bill. So we're gonna talk about it anyway."

"No, we're not. Instead, you could make me food, and we could watch reruns of Hannah Montana Forever."

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