19- Hangover

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Cole POV
What happend yesterday? Why do I have a huge headache? Why do I smell bee-
oh..yeah.... I probably drank a bit too much.. Wait, where am I?

"hello??" i call out, as I look around

"AHHHHHHH MONSTER!" I hear Jays voice scream as ow!

"OW! Dude what the fuck?" I yell back holding forhead. "What the hell did you throw at me?"

"Oh... sorry Cole, ugh..." we both look at the beer can beside me.

"You threw a beer can at me? You would throw a beer can at a monster? Jay how the hell did you become a ninja?!?"

"Can you guys shut it! Im trying to sleep!!" Yells Lloyd out of nowhere.

"I dont know! I prefer fighting a monster with a beer can than with a juice can!!" Jay exclaims

"You mean juice 'Box'?"


"So if theres a monster apocalypse, everyone will die cause you decided to use a beer can and a juice box as weapon?" I continue as he glares me.

"Wait Lloyd? Where are you?" He realizes looking around, and he bumps in the wall.

"Right under you! Your foot is on my hand move it!!!!" Lloyd yells as i laugh.

"Oh, sorry" he moves his foot. "Why is it so dark in here? Where are we?"

"I dont know" I reply, i put my hands on the walls beside of me and i lean on the wall behind me. "Guys... I think were in a closet..."

"Hey! I found the door!" Lloyd yelled turning the doorknob.

"Come on Open it!" Yells Jay after a few seconds.

"It wont open!! Theres something blocking the door!" What??

"Let me try" i say and move to the door, i force the doorknob, it wont fuckin open! I bang on the door. "Hello!!? Anyone there?"
Theres no answer, the guys start banging on the door with me.
Fuck i dont wanna stay here with them! I mean yea we used to share rooms! But it was a long time ago!! And this is much smaller than a room.

I open my eyes, to having a huge headache. God what the hell?
I look down to see y/n in bra and panties, in my arms.
Uh... what?
I shake her a bit and she wakes up.

"Hey?" I say uncomfortably trying not to look at her boobs, Dam she has nice boobs!


"Did we...?" Why is that so awkward.

"No, no we didnt go that far.."
I nod and look around the room for a secound, having brief flashbacks from yesterday.
I remember the Despacito, god that was funny!
Than there was the Cole trying to strip, but he was actually really bad at it..
After that, i think y/n needed to change cause of.... and than... oh no... why the fuck did I do that?!?

"Oh my god, Im so sorry y/n, i really dont know what gotten into me yesterday I..I"

"Hey.... its alright."

"No its not y/n, I almost raped you!"

"And you have a bruised lip cause of me.." what? I touch my lips, ow!

"Ow- what the? You punched me?" She smiles nervously "i probably deserved that.." she laughs and i do too.
"What or stupid things did i say or do?"

"Well... you danced with Cole on Despacito... you won 10$ on a drinking contest with Jay... You did shooters with Your ex, Melanie's boyfriend... you let Nya and Jay make out in front of everybody.... you cried in my arms... and you kinda of said you have a crush on me..."
Oh dam, dam, dam, fuck!

"Did I-I really.....ugh!" I sigh closing my eyes rolling over on my back.

"Uhm, is it true..?"

Where the heck am I?
Why was I sleeping on a toilet?
Wait... this isnt our toilet... it looks like the one in y/n's apartment!
I get up and open the door seeing y/n's room. Why the hell am I at y/n's place?
I look around and see Zane sleeping in front of her closet.

"Hey!!!!! Get us out!!!!!!" I hear screaming... wait thats the guys!

"Zane!! Wake up!" I shake him.

"Hello Nya." He says waking up.

"What is happening? Where are we?"

"Were at y/n's apartment. And I think the guys are stuck in the closet behind you.." i say as he moves and opens the door as Cole, Lloyd and Jay fall out of the closet and down to the floor.

"Guys!!! Ur squishing me!!!" Lloyd was under both of them.

"Cole move your Fat Ass!!!" Whines Jay. Zane and I look at each other smirking, as Cole moves off them and rolls on the floor beside.

"Air!!!!! Finally!!!" Yells Jay going off laying on the bed, Cole looks up and lay beside Jay on the bed.

"Oh My God! This bed is sooo Comfy!!!! But wait... who's bed is it?" Cole says hugging a pillow.

"Yea where are we?" Asks Lloyd.

"We are in Y/n's apartment."

"Uhm... why? And where is she?" Asks Jay

"Wasnt she making out with Kai? In his bed room?"

"Zane do you know how we got here?" I ask Zane

"Yes, I remember Lloyd video taping and taking pictures of everything."
I look at Lloyd and he goes back into the closet.

"I found it!" He says coming back with it.
We all get looking at it.
There were pictures of everyone dancing and drinking, then one of Jay and I... uhm making out.. i look at him and he laughs awkwardly. One of Cole trying to flirt with girls. Some of Kai and Y/n on their bed making out... finally, the five of us outside. He then puts the video, its just us fooling around while the guys competes on whos the best ninja. Lloyd won and jump to the window opening us to y/n's room.

"Okay... we maybe drank a bit too much..." Cole comments.

"Ya think?" Responds my boyfriend.

"Lets just get back home!" I reply, we all get going to the door but I stoped realizing Cole wasnt following us. "Uhm, Cole?"

"What? Her Pillows are comfy!" He replies taking all her pillows with him following us, I sigh and close the door.

Hey guys, its been long since the last update.. but im kind of real busy and dealing with stuff... again.
So yea, todays my moms BDay :)
I put her fave song up there, i personally hate it but whateves, tell me if u find it good xD
Idk xD
Im just gonna leave now 0_0
~ Gigi Out!!!

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