26- Happy Cereals (end)

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[Read AN at the bottom please]

I was suppose to leave the hospital an hour ago and Kai was suppose to come and pick me up, but Mr Firework cant take care of a simple job!!!

"Nya Smith?" Asked a nurse


"Do you want your stuff right now or you'll wait before you go?"

"Right now please!" It wasnt yesterdays rude nurse that tried to hook up with my brother.. She was actually cool.
She came and gave me my stuff.
MY PHONE!!!!!!!

Its dead! Ha! At least I have my charger! I plug it. And wait. And wait.
Finally opened!!!!!!
Im calling Kai Now!!!!
It rings.
It Rings
It rings.

"Hey..?" Said a sleepy Kai

"Hey remember me? Your incredible sister that you were suppose to pic up an 1hour ago?"

"Wait who is this?" He jokes

"Are you serious!!"

"Yea yea coming." He hung up

Cole POV
We were eating breakfast and we were bored like usual.
Jay was pouring milk in a bol... than he put his cereals.

"Uhm.... what are you doing?" Lloyd ask Jay

"Getting my breakfast ready, why?" He respond

"Since when do you pour milk in the bowl before the cereals?" I ask

"Uhm... since Ever?"

"No you put the cereals than the milk.." said Zane

"Well my parents tought me to put the milk before the cereals!" Jay respond

"Well your parents are weird." I say again. As soon as I said That Kai and Y/n come out. They both had giant smiles on their face.

"Hey guys!" Said Lloyd Kai smiled and y/n waved.

"Sup little green?" Kai said... woah.. little what?

"Uh... Jay is pouring milk before cereals... except that everything's chill Fireboy." Replied lloyd

"Yay another one of Jays great ideas!" Said Kai still smiling.

"Ha! You see even Mr Sunshine says its a good idea!" Jay said as I rolled my eyes.

"Were going to pick up Nya, see you later guys!" Said a a bit too happy Y/n. I heard the door close

"How come theyre so happy?" Ask Zane. OH I KNOW WHY!!

"Probably cause they had sex last night, it has been proved that sex makes the two partners happier the next morning." I say

"Wasnt Y/n... not ready?" Ask Lloyd

"Uh.. Girls can change their minds pretty quickly" said Jay as we laugh

I completely forgot about my sister..
We are walking to the hospital holding hands.
So yea.., Y/n and I had sex yesterday.
She was literally the best girl I ever fucked. Probably cause she is the love of my life.
I love her so much, I would literally do anything for my princesse.

"Kai?" Asked my beautiful girlfriend dragging me out of my thoughts.

"Yea?" I smile at her.

"You just stepped in dog poop.."

"Wha- ohhhh.." I look under my shoe and see dog poop. I rub my feet into the grass trying to get off most of it. "Welp, a little doggie left me a little surprise!" I reply still smiling.

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