23- Memories

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This is going to be a real cheesy and romantic chapter😅😍

Im finally going out with the guy of my dream!!
Last night was really cool, like we ate candies watching movies. Jay, Nya, Kai and I were on the love seats and the boys well on the other coutches Zane and Lloyd with chips and Cole with my pillows. Kai had his arm around me and i was wearing one of Kais hoodies, snuggling in his arms.

Right now were in his room, i woke up like 10 minutes ago. He was hugging my waist, halfway laying on me, he had his head on top of my boobs and he was sleeping peacfully. I was playing with his hair, smiling silently at him.

(this is like Kai's dream and a old memory of the forst day he met y/n)

My sister has brought one of her friends over, she seems hot, maybe I could get to her.
"Hey Im Kai!" I say putting my arm around her.
"Hey" she replies, her eyes meets mine for a second, but she quickly look away.
"I have a question.." i say
"Go a head" She replied crossing her arms. I looked at my sister who already knew what I was gonna say, but I did it anyways.

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" I know, that old fancy pick up line, but I dont know I just couldnt think of anything else at the moment.
"It only hurted when I saw your face" my eyes widened and my jaw droped a bit as I hear the guys laughing behind. Did she just came back at me??? I hate people that comes back at me. Shes hot but nothing else.
"OHHH! Kai just got burned!!!" Yelled Jay out of nowhere, I turn around and give him a death glare.

"Kai, why do you always have to flirt with my friends?" Asks Nya.

"Cause Im your big brother and I need to make sure they're good friends, not like this one" I say pointing at her giving her a little disgust look.
"U just dont like being burned by a girl, thats all" seriously again! Yea thats true, I dotn like being burned, at all by anybody. I just roll my eyes in repsonce and go to sit back down.
"So (y/n) this is Jay, my boyfriend, and-" nya starts the presentations.

"Oh so thats your famous boyfriend that you always talk about!" Famous boyfriend she always talk about?!? Is it that serious between them??
"And this is Zane, Cole, Lloyd and kai my brother." She continues, as I just look up at the tv in front of me.
"Hey!" Says Jay
"Sup?" Replied Cole
"Yo!" Said Lloyd
"How are you?" Ask Zane, it was Silent for a moment like if they all waited for me to say something but I just kept watching the tv ignoring them. Nya took the girl in her room and they talked about girl stuff I guess.
"Dude, you missed your shot" said Cole
"Yea, I thought you were a professional at this!" Said Lloyd.

"I am, I just didnt feel it with her. And its not like were going to see her again one day. She'd be great to fuck, but I can find better. Shes not worth it." I reply.

'Shes not worth it' forget that, I'd do anything for that girl.
I felt something playing with my hair slightly waking me up. Dam I love this pillow its so comfortable. I smile with my eyes closed until I heard giggling. I look up realizing it was y/n playing with my hair and that my pillow was actually her boobs.

"Hey amazing girlfriend." I smirk

"Hey amazing boyfriend." She replied smiling.

"Your boobs are really comfortable." I joked and se giggled.

"I want Ice cream..."

"And I want pizza." I reply

"Wow, thats a great breakfast." She giggled, her hand was still in my hair, she probably messed it all.

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