Chapter 2: Adopted!

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Big Mama led Dinky and Boomer to the farm fence where she told the baby fox to stay until they landed on a top of the fence.

As they looked down at the baby fox who just woke up from a short sleep before he looked up the owl and birds with a sad face, Dinky and Boomer started to realize that the baby fox was all alone without his mother beside him and shook their heads sadly feeling so sorry for him.

"Oh, poor little guy", Boomer said in grief.

"Don't you worry now", Big Mama assured the baby fox. "We're going to find someone who will look after you."

Dinky started to think of something.

He looked at the house by the barn house where a couple of humans live: A widow and her young granddaughter.

"Hmmm," Dinky hummed to himself as he looked between the baby fox and the house and his idea started to come together. "Hmmm."

Then Dinky's idea hit him!

"Hey! I think I got an idea", he said to Big Mama and Boomer.

The three gathered around started to whisper to each other and coming up with a plan to get the humans' attention.

The three looked back down at the baby fox who watched them with curiosity.

Now the plan was settled.

Boomer giggled excitedly.

"Okay, Boomer. Now, you know what to do," Dinky said to Boomer who was ready.

"Yeah! Leave it to me! Leave it to me!", Boomer said and then he flew toward the house.

After he landed on a door handle, he knocked on a door with his beak.

"Who is it?", called a elder woman's voice.

"I'll get it, Grandma", said a young voice.

Without warning, the door swung open and it smashed Boomer by the wall only with his beak stabbed through the door.

It was a fair little girl at age 11 who opened the door.

She was wearing a light teal dress with an apron and a pair of brown slippers.

She was shot, slender and had fair skin, her ponytail hair color was ginger and her eyes were pure blue.

She is known as Lily.

She looked left and right and wondered who knocked the door but she didn't find anyone.

"Hello?", Lily called but she saw no one and scratch her head. "Huh. That's funny. Grandma! There's no one here."

Her grandmother named Widow Tweed came to the door next to her and looked around too.

"Um...Well, I'm sure we heard someone knocking", she said before she and Lily saw Big Mama and Dinky carried one of Widow Tweed's undergarments from their laundry lines.

"Oh, dear!", gasped the widow.

"That's our laundry!", Lily called the birds as they started fly to the baby fox hoping that the humans will follow them and they did.

Lily ran down the stairs of the front door and race toward Big Mama and Dinky to get her grandmother's undergarment back with Widow Tweed ran behind her granddaughter to help her.

"Oh, Here!", Widow yelled at the birds. "Stop it!"

"Come back!", Lily called the birds.

Boomer pulled his beak off the door and shook his head.

The widow and her granddaughter ran after the birds toward the fence.

"Oh, you pesky birds!", Widow Tweed called to the birds.

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