Chap 5 - help

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Ella's POV

As we left the classroom I ran as fast as I could. I mean, Theo seems great but, he can't find out about anything. I want so badly to tell him, to let him help me, but..................

.......I can't.

I've only known him a week and I kind of feel like he's my friend, someone I cam trust. But even as my friend, he can't know.

I end up running into the girls bathrooms and crying in a stall like a sad loner that everyone makes fun of. First period is finished and now it's time for second, but not one inch of my body wants to move off the toilet seat and into a classroom. So I sit there all through second, and third period contemplating my life and if karma really is real, because if so, I must have done something awful in my last life, to get stuck with this one.

I'm starting to realise now a big problem. If I miss any more lessons, the school might phone my father, who as soon as we get home, will punish me even more than usual. I get up quickly, dry my eyes and run out of the bathroom and into my next lesson, which was with..............


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