Chap 17 - screams

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Theo's POV

It's been two weeks since that day. She was shot right underneath her heart. Luckily she is alive but she hasn't woken up yet and it's driving me insane. I just need to hear her amazing voice and see her beautiful eyes. I haven't left her side and I've hardly slept at all. My hand never leaves hers and it never will.

Ace has been coming to get food for me, and to see how she is doing which is really helping me right now, but into not enough. I need her.

My parents also came, too see her for the first time. I had that the first time they met her she had to be like this. They have been trying to get me to pray for years and I never have. But this time I did. I've been praying to whatever or whoever is out there to wake her up for me. But so far. Nothing.

It's currently 9:50 pm and I'm doing my normal routine of lying down next to her and falling asleep for around 2 hours. As I lay next to her I kiss her forehead before closing my eyes hoping that when I open them again she might be awake.

That's when it happens.

I feel a finger move

"Princess are you waking up? Can you do that for me again?"

Sure enough she moves her hand

Slowly and by not much, but enough for me to know it happened.

"Come one angel, open your eyes for me"

She does............

...........But not the way I expected

She sits up quickly with a frightening jolt and screams.

Dun dun dun
What do you think she was screaming about
Also sorry for the long wait and this isn't very long either, I'm having the common writers block, but I knew I had to do something and then I came up with this. Not my best but...!

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