Chap 18 - who did it?

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Ella's POV

I scream feeling the pain of the bullet hitting me.

I take a big breath and look around me as soon as I feel a strong pair of arms around me, realising that I wasn't really in much pain and I was in what looked like a hospital room.

"Hey, you're finally awake"

"Where am I?" I ask confused

"You're still in my house, just in a hospital wing, don't worry you're ok"

"You have a hospital hour house?" I ask even more confused

"Uhhhhh...yes" he replied with this guilty smile


" case anything where to happen to my friends or me"


He seems really uncomfortable talking about it so I drop the subject, wondering why he was acting so suspicious. I mean, who, for starters, has a house this big, and a hospital wing in it, when only he lives here.

He looks at me, so I smile.

This makes him smile.

And boy when he smiles

It's like magic

His eyes light up, the room brightens, my heart flutters, and everything just seems right.

But I knew nothing would ever be right.

"Theo, who shot me?"


"Tell me theo" I demand

He looks away with the angriest look in his eyes. I can see a hint of sadness. There's something he doesn't want to tell me. And I think he thinks it will hurt me.

"Who shot me theo?" I shout

"Your dad"

And once again

The world turns BLACK

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