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"Don't drive too fast," Elenore snapped. "I'm doing my makeup." 

"Well maybe if you'd gotten out of bed earlier, you'd have been ready by now." I grumbled, my hands clenching the wheel so tightly that they'd gone white. I was a bundle of nerves and Elenore's lack of punctuality was only making it worse. 

"Hey - this is my first day off in ages. For once I didn't have to get up at the crack of dawn! I think I deserved a lie in, thank you very much." She raised her mascara to her left eye and squinted at the mirror in the sun visor. I pushed my foot down a little further on the accelerator and smirked as her hand jerked awkwardly, smearing a black line up over her eyelid and into her eyebrow. "HEY!"

"Sorry." I said dryly, briefly looking over my shoulder to check on my sleeping child. Her bandana had somehow fallen down her face, making it look as thought she was wearing an eye-mask. 

"I have to look perfect for Niall." Ele sighed, rubbing at her eye frantically. "I want to give a good first impression."

"And what exactly are you hoping to achieve here?" I asked. I was slightly concerned that Elenore had convinced herself that coming along today would bag herself a date with Niall. Quite honestly I wasn't even sure he knew she existed, let alone was on her way.

"I'm not going to answer that." She smiled wickedly into the mirror as she attempted her mascara for the second time. "There is a young child present."

"Gross," I sighed, but my lips twitched with the onslaught of laugher that threatened to come. "That was not an image I needed to visualize while concentrating on the road." 

Elenore shrugged but carried on smiling. "You should be thanking me. It's not like you're getting any with Harry."

I don't know how I didn't crash the car.

"What?!" I spluttered. I wanted desperately to throw her a murderous glare but was too afraid to take my eyes off the road while still recovering from the shock of her outburst. 

"I said-" she began, but I shook my head frantically. 

"I know exactly what you said," I told her in a strained voice. "I'm just not entirely sure why." 

"It's obvious that you're into the guy," she shrugged. " So why not?" 

"How on earth is it obvious when it's not true? Besides, he's not my boyfriend." I could feel myself slowly becoming more defensive and aggitated. It was infuriating that her suggestion bothered me so much. 

"He wasn't your boyfriend the first time you got jiggy in the sheets!" She laughed. My cheeks flushed scarlet. 

"We were drunk." I managed to point out. Elenore shrugged again and began applying a thick black line just above her eyelashes. "Please never, ever, bring up this conversation in front of Harry."

"So you do like the guy?" She pressed. 

"No! It's just that it would be really awkward otherwise." I babbled, clinging onto the steering wheel for dear life. 

"Sure." Elenore muttered and turned up the radio with her free hand. 

I hated that she was permanently so adamant that I had feelings for Harry. Just because he was the father of Nola it didn't mean I was automatically in love with him. He certainly wasn't in love with me which is what made it so uncomfortable to hear. 

The rest of the journey into North London seemed to pass quickly and before we knew it we were on the look out for his house. It was a surprisingly crowded street with unsurprisingly large houses. 

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