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"What?" I cried harder as Harry stared at me with a serious expression on his face. His words had been full of unexpected emotion, but he still looked as furious as he had when he'd been shouting at me. "Don't be cruel."

"The only thing I'm being is truthful." He told me more softly. He stepped forward and slipped his fingers through mine before tugging me over to the set of stairs outside the doors I'd escaped from. We sat down beside one another, Harry silent while I sobbed and sniffled beside him.

It was the last thing I wanted to hear from him after he'd gone behind my back and exposed us to an arena full of overly obsessed fans with cameras. I was supposed to hate him. I wanted to hate him. Neither of us spoke for a while and I figured Harry was probably waiting for me to comment on his unexpected announcement. There was nothing for me to say though, we had more pressing issues than how he felt towards me, and considering what he'd just done, I was beginning to revaluate my feelings for him.

"What are you so afraid of?" He said eventually. His words came out in puffs in the cold air and I felt guilty for coming out here in the first place.

"I don't want Nola to get caught up in all this." I gestured to the arena and sighed. "I'd hate it if she got so caught up in it that I lost her. I've already lost enough people in my life, Harry, and I can't lose any more. Nola and Elenore are all that I have." 

"And me." He said sternly. "You have me aswell. I don't know why you are so adamant in saying that you don't." He turned to face me, his eyes dark and full of confusion. I just didn't get Harry. I had no idea what he wanted me to say to him. I'd practically side stepped his emotional declaration, too caught up in my own issues, but it was as if he hadn't noticed. 

"That's not my point, Harry." I whispered, pinching the bridge of my nose with my thumb and index finger to prevent the oncoming sob-induced headache. Harry leant over and nudged me lightly with his shoulder.

"I know it's not. The truth is I'm scared every single day that I'll lose myself to it all. It's so easy to get swept up in this lifestyle we have now, sometimes it's very difficult to adjust to normal life, especially when we're not on tour or in the studio." Harry took a deep breath. "So, everyday I ring my mum, or Gemma, or more recently you and Nola. You guys keep me grounded." I raised an eyebrow at him. "Ok, ok. So I know I can still be a little mad. We don't have to mention the swimming pool or the birthday party." 

Somehow the two events that had upset me more than anything at the time of their occurance had me laughing now. I leant into Harry as my body shook with laughter and I felt him shake with me, his throaty chuckle bouncing around the carpark. "We can't all be perfect, not even you, Harry Styles." 

We sat in silence again for a long while, casually leaning into one another as the wind picked up. The curls below Harry's ears tickled my face and I shivered, burying myself in neck. He withdrew his arm and wound it around my waist, pulling me towards him so that I was more tightly pressed against his chest.

"Hey, Marnie." He said gently. "What happened before with the paparazzi, the attack I mean, do you get those often?" I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment at the mention of my breakdown in front of all those people and cameras. I didn't want to remember the way in which my chest had tightened or how I'd been gasping for air that just didn't seem to come. 

"I've never had one before." I admitted sadly. I looked up and  his eyes locked with mine. All of a sudden the world slowed down around us and slowly, but noticeably, Harry's face leant closer to mine. My heart pounded but I couldn't bring myself to look away. My eyelids fluttered closed and I felt Harry's breath, hot on my face. 

"You never will again." He whispered against my lips. My heart exploded and I held my breath as I waited for the moment when our mouths would collide. The tip of his nose brushed my cheek and his lips parted, inching just that bit closer. This was the moment. This was when I would see fireworks. This was it.

The doors suddenly burst open, making us both jump and revealing a flustered looking Liam.

"Where the fuck have you...ah." 

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