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"Ele, have you been telling Nola how much you hate mashed potato or something?" I frowned as my daughter spat the pale mush out of her mouth and onto the high-chair table with a discusted look on her face. "She used to love it."

"Don't blame me." Elenore shrugged, not looking up from the screen of her phone. "It was probably Harry, she hangs onto his every word." 

She'd been a bit off with me since the hot seat situation, bitter that I hadn't acted on her discovery. I'd felt so uncomfortable talking to Harry the next day and despite our pact, he'd seemed strange too. It had been as though he'd known exactly what Elenore had done and therefore exactly how I felt about him. All I could think about the whole time was his lips pressed against my cheek. 

"I'll ask him tonight." I sighed, attempting to shovel the mash back into Nola's mouth. Just as the spoon touched her lips there was a noise from behind me outside. It was the cross between a rustle and a bang.  I flashed my eyes to Elenore who looked over her shoulder and frowned.

"Must be a cat in the garden or something." She spun back around and continued scrolling on her phone, never making eye contact with me. I rolled my eyes.

"Ele-" My words were interrupted by the shatter of glass. I gasped as the window behind me exploded into millions of pieces, flying past me in slow motion. My first instinct was to throw myself at my daughter, covering her frantically with my body to shield her from the danger. The high-chair gave way as I collided with it and we both toppled to the ground, my hands securely around the back of Nola's head to act as some sort of crash mat. I felt the carpet burn the skin on my elbows and forearms but as long as I'd broken Nola's fall, it didn't matter. 

We lay on the carpet for what felt like hours, both stunned into silence. My heart was racing. So fast that I thought it was going to burst out of my chest and bounce off the walls of the flat, leaving destruction in its wake. Nola wriggled her head in my grasp but she didn't cry. She just stared at me with wide eyes; full of fear and curiousity. I peeked my head up, desperately looking for a sign that Elenore was unscathed. Instead of her blonde locks my eyes focused on a reddish rectangular object, it's surface flaking from the fall. I stretched my hand forward until my fingers were wrapped around it, wincing as the rough texture scraped at my fingertips.

It was unmistakably a brick, only it had been scribbled on with bright yellow spray paint. My eyes widened when I put the letters together.


It didn't take me long to figure out the reasoning behind it. Clearly it had come in response to the article my mother had contributed to the paper. I fought back my angry tears, furious that One Direction's fans would be so extreme. It made me sick to the stomach to think that they would actually go as far as breaking into the garden and throwing a brick through the window of a flat that belonged to someone they didn't even really know. They could have killed any of us. My eyes drifted off the brick and scanned the room for Ele. 

"Marn?" Said a weary voice on my right. I turned my head to see the back of Elenore's, scarlet liquid oozing into the blonde strands of her hair. 

"Shit." I said under my breath, dragging Nola under the table in case anything else was going to come flying through the window. I crawled across to Elenore and brushed her hair away from her face. She was pale. Very pale. 

"I feel sick." She whispered, squeezing her eyes shut so tightly that they crinkled. My eyes flickered to the dark and bloody gash on the side of her head and I reached for my phone. 

"Hang in there, Ele." I told her before dialling 999. 


I stared at my phone blankly as Marnie's name flashed up on it repeatedly. I wanted to answer it, but at the same time I really didn't. I didn't want to be an awkward git like I had been the night before and yet I still hadn't figured out how not to be. These feelings I'd discovered I had for Marnie were just plain confusing. I didn't know how to deal with them or what to do about them. 

"Please answer that." Niall grumbled from his bunk below. He'd wisely decided to take a nap before we went on stage and I was meant to be doing the same, except my thoughts had kept me wide awake instead. "Harry?" 

"Sorry." I muttered quickly before reluctantly pressing the phone to my ear. "Hey, Marnie." 

My ears became instantly alert  at the sound of sirens in the background. I could numerous people talking and Nola screaming herself hoarse. The hair stood up on the back of my neck as I feared the worst. I threw the curtain back and slid down from my bunk, pacing the length of the tour bus as I waited for Marnie to communicate with me. 

"Harry." She snapped at me and I felt myself flinch away from the phone. "Harry, we really need to talk." 

"Is Nola ok?" I blurted out, running my free hand through my hair anxiously. Niall's head popped out the side of his bunk, his eyes converting from weary to wide awake in a matter of seconds. He watched me as I stared, wide eyed, at the door of the bus whilst clutching at my hair. "Marnie?" 

"What the fuck is wrong with your fans?" She shrieked. Why was she shouting at me? Why couldn't she just tell me what was wrong with our daughter rather than turning it back on me? 

"What are you talking about?" I raised my voice. "What's wrong with Nola? Damn it, Marnie, what the fuck has happened?" Niall scrambled out of his bunk, slid on his Nikes and shout out the door.

"What's happened?" She echoed, her voice going up an octave. "What's happened Harry is that one of your fans has thrown a brick through my window because of that fucking article." 

My heart dropped to my stomach. A brick. Sirens. Nola screaming. "Marnie," I said gently, my voice barely a whisper. "Please tell me that Nola is ok."

"Yes, she's ok." She said eventually. I released a huge sigh of relief. "But Elenore is not." 

"Did she get hurt?" My words came out like mush. 

"The brick clipped her head, Harry. She's got a wound and a concussion. The ambulance are just taking her to the hospital now." Although I felt terrible for Elenore, an extremely selfish part of me was relieved that neither Marnie or Nola had been injured. 

"I'm so sorry." I told her, although I wasn't a hundred percent sure how this was really my fault. I hadn't exactly told them to do it. 

"I'm just appalled that they would do something like this." Her voice wobbled as she spoke. "They are angry at me, I get that. I get that they're jealous and have probably conjured up some idea that I'm a heartless bitch for keeping your child from you, but if they knew there was a child involved why would they do something so dangerous? We were all right next to each other, Harry." 

She was crying now and I felt totally useless. The worst thing was that I didn't even think flying over to see them was going to make it better this time. I wasn't even sure what to say. 

"Harry," she continued. "If this is going to happen, well, you know what I'm going to say. I don't want to say it but I will if I have to." 

My heart pounded as she threatened to take my daughter away from me again. "I'll sort it out, Marnie, I promise." I blurted without even thinking it through. "Don't give up on me yet." 

"I don't want to." She said sadly. "But someone could have died today." She ended the call and I felt my eyes well up. 

Somehow I was going to have to get the fans to back off, but the only way to do that was to explain everything. They were just angry and frustrated because they didn't know the whole story. As I shoved my phone into my back pocket I realised something;

If I was going to tell the fans, I couldn't tell Marnie. 


a/n: Thank you so much for all the votes, reads and comments I've been getting recently. I hope you're enjoying 'Ours' as much as I'm enjoying writing it. The photo in the side bar is Harry and Marnie or 'Marry', created by the one and only @babyhstyles. She made a bad ass trailer for Sonata too and writes the most adorable fanfic - 'A.' Go check her out! (P.s. I have no idea how this works so who knows if it's showing up)

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