Sudden Realization

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Sudden Realization : A term that I use for which when you really understand what I mean on this book, then you must have undergone sudden realization.
You will realize something great, not only once but every once in a while.
It's a process that repeats that will prove what I mean.

The first time I got that so called "sudden realization" Was about an year ago as when I'm writing this. I realized something that has a great meaning, something so powerful that it completely changed me over the year, completely changed a lot of me.

I get these thoughts or ideas every once in awhile, like when I'm on my school or on free time. These thoughts keep on developing into something great which ultimately made me understand the meaning of "Everything is nothing and nothing is everything", that's a quote that I got myself which develops when I undergo sudden realization.

When you are experiencing it, you will totally have another mind set, and then come back to the normal human-ish one. For me, it's my intellectual Awakening(I believe)..... It showed me a lot of things , lot of thoughts which had great meanings, completely changed me. So what am I really talking about? What are the thoughts that I mentioned?

Here's where the book really starts!

The first thought that I always prioritize is this : " You are gonna die someday, the people you see will die someday, the human race itself will go extinct some day". I prioritize this only because of others... Like for an example, I'm showing the thoughts from sudden realization so that you could understand what I really mean. I will be using this thought for other thoughts!

Like for an example, you are gonna die someday, what's the use of doing something when you are gonna die anyways, why think that something bad is bad when, even when you do it, you are gonna die someday. Whatever you did doesn't have any use, doesn't mean nothing after you die.

You might argue against me, but that's what I believe. I'm not saying do bad things, I'm just saying doing good or bad doesn't do anything.

And the second thought that I would like to say is, "Humans are only advanced animals", the main thing that distinguishes humans from animals is our thinking capacity. That's why this book itself was also named after thinking.

If you ask me, who's the enemy of humans? Who's/what's dangerous for humans?
Some may say aliens, some may say something terrorists, or something else, what I will say is that " The thinking capacity of ours, is the greatest threat to ourselves!" Think of it, I'm asking you to think why thinking is dangerous.

Thinking cause everything, this app, world War, the reason for this book, why you are reading this. All because of thinking. But I would say you should keep on thinking until the end of this book :)

Yes, as I said before, Humans are just advanced animals. We are basically just animals, we are placed in animal kingdom yes. Imagine if you were an animal, you wouldn't have even had a thinking capacity, you would have been like an AI on a video game, you would just be controlled automatically, you can't think on your own. That's what separates a human from an animal.

Okay now, let's take thinking in the view point of science. We are basically made up of atoms. Atoms are actually everything as you know, everything you see, everything you touch are atoms. Even your brain, even your thinking capability. It's nothing but chemical reactions on your brain. So many reactions(millions/sec) such that you are able to function as you do now. But basically it's artificially thinking because its just atoms, there's no soul or something that is thinking. It's not you, it's Atoms. You are atoms, whatever you are doing now is due to atoms!

What I'm actually coming to say is that what you are actually thinking is fake, but generally it is to be considered true, even like this book, everything here is real but actually it's fake, its just chemical reactions, it's just evolution that has bought us here.

Now think that there was no life. Imagine the universe, how would it have been, and now think of nothing. Nothing in the sense, just a white space, theres no universe, there's just nothing. And now you are here, why did it happen, just why, I can't stop thinking about that white space-nothingness. BTW(I just went through sudden realization again while I'm writing this) everytime I think about that white space, and how we ended up here, why did we even come here, I undergo sudden realization!. I mean look at what I'm doing now. If I didn't have the thinking capacity I wouldn't have even thought about anything but somehow through evolution we got our thinking capacity now, and as I said before, whatever I think is not only what I think, but every other thought in this world is fake!

Think of the white space again, there could have been nothing but somehow the universe came into existence. We still don't know it happened. But the point here is that as I said long before, "Everything is nothing and nothing is everything indeed"
Lets suppose you were getting scolded by someone for something you did. Remember thoughts are fake and are only chemical reactions, and you should not even care about the scoldings you get. Believe me, I follow this and whenever my mom scolds me, I don't care and I forget about it. I also say that I'm not asking you guys to be bad or good or neutral too. Im asking you to be nothing (even thought it makes no sense (I will die someday and there will be no use for the bad comments I get) (in a few years the people who commented will also die eventually) so I don't care about anything, even if you like this book or not, I don't give a damn.
Because whatever you said is fake and whatever I said is also fake! Well I don't make any sense don't I? Well according to me, I make perfect sense ;), when you finally understand the true meaning!

That's it for now!
Note: I Will update it regularly
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