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Education/Knowledge, some of the best traits of humans. Humans have always evolved into learning new things. We learned so many things in the past 500 years than the 1,99,500 years before since modern humans came.
But what is the ultimate goal? The ultimate aim of knowledge? Is it infinite, according to the situations we are presented with?
Knowledge will never end, never end indeed unless Humans go extinct. And they will be extinct someday if not today. So what is the use of knowledge at all? Im able to write this book only because of knowledge and technology. But what is the ultimate aim? What are we trying to move ahead with? Colonizing other planets? But for what reason?

Why are we forcing ourselves into learning something new? Yes we can't simply change Human nature of always wanting to know more but how is it important to us now?
Education is good indeed if you think practically but it has no aim ultimately, the person who attains it would pretty much die someday.
These are the thoughts I get when you go with the realisation I get, but also the content that comes below is what I get about education practically in the current situation and world.

Education is different on different countries. These thoughts we're from which I study on : The Indian Education system.
India is known for producing some of the best educated people in the world. It is also the largest creator of Doctors if I got the fact right. Yes, the education system here is good, so good that if you do well, you are definitely gonna get jobs on the best paying fields. But on a recent interview with apple's CEO, he mentioned that Indians lack creative. Yes that's true, but not as a whole. But still a lot of them lack creativity. And why is that so? We are given good education but we are given a lot of things, lot of things indeed hard to digest, and we are forced to spend time on it than learning something creative. Everything is on the Internet now. I'm not so good at writing books but I'm good at computers. If I learn more on computers, I can get a good job and a happy ending indeed, but we are taught so much on different topics such that we can't always concentrate on one and always end up in something else.
My brother took up Automobile as his course in college but ended up in an IT company. Now it's the computer age and everything's on the internet now, why do we need to spend more time learning in school when you can get more from the internet. I'm sure school is better but learning together with the internet and not forcing somebody will be better for everyone.

To be honest, I learnt English on Hollywood movies more than in school. I can clearly feel that. I'm not great at English or anything but good enough I hope so to effectively communicate. All because of movies and I'm not kidding. I can see why my friends lack grammar in a lot of places. Parents didn't allow them so much to spend time on TV. Lucky me, I was able to spend more time on Digital devices. Parents should also not force kids.
Let them be what they truly are and help them showcase on the field they are good at!

Think'ingOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora