Luck & Fate

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Let me begin with: "Every decision you have every taken in your life has led you to read this". It blows my mind every single time. Well, what does 'decision' mean here? Installing wattpad might me one eh? Yeah it is, but not only that. Every single thing you do, I consider it a decision. Either voluntary or involuntary.
One of the things that have recently been striking me is Luck. Or also probability.

I didn't get to pick how I look like or neither did I pick my skills. And so was it for you. Pick as in how you create a character when playing a game for the first time. Now you are who you are. So if you are beautiful, you are just lucky. Or are you?
Beauty makes no sense. At least to me.
Some may find someone beautiful and others don't. It's all chemicals inside your brain. I do suppose.
No one is beautiful nor is anyone ugly. There are only lucky and unlucky. Perfectly balanced as all things should be. Neutral.
Let me give you an example. Lance Stroll is a current Formula 1 Driver racing for the team "Racing Point". His father was a billionaire businessman and had interest in motorsports. Obviously, lance participated in motorsport related events and finally reaching formula 1. When things were looking bad for Stroll because of his performance, his father bought the team "Force India" as it had some financial trouble and gave stroll a seat on the team. Now renamed to the one mentioned above.
Even though Lance has the skill to compete at the highest level, if it wasn't for his father, he wouldn't be where he is now. What I am trying to say is that, every celebrity, every personality or everyone who's famous for something is never because of their hardwork but luck.
Oh come on Akshay! It's not trueee! Many of you will think. But think again. Hitler was a great orator. But he naturally had been gifted that skill. His circumstances proved to be the right for him to become a dictator. Imagine if hitler had died in world War 1. It would have changed almost everything in the world we see right now. We would have not been born at all I'm sure. I had experienced the exact circumstances that lead me to writing this and you are reading this because all your life, you have had the exact circumstances for this to happen.
What's the difference between the people in Sweden vs the people in Africa or other poor nations? One is lucky, the other isn't so. Statistics say that at least 700 million people don't have access to proper food daily. What's the difference between them and us? Luck.
But what about every single decision we take?! It is not luck right?! It was taken by us right?!
Yes it was taken by us but what does "us" Really mean? Our brain? Our consciousness? What does consciousness mean again? At the end of the day, our body is just made up of atoms. In a perfect way that they can supposedly think but are just like neural networks in computers now.
The decisions we take are also always dependent on luck and or probability.
My friend and I were having a conversation recently. About the existence of aliens. Sure they can exist. Just as we came. But then my friend asked if they could invent english just as we did. With every single word matching. He was pretty confident that there was an alien group that existed who also spoke English with every single word matching with ours. I rejected his theory saying that the probability is too low that it is just zero. But later, i realised that we ourselves invented English, then it would be included in the probability itself right? Let's say that the probability of invention of the English language is 0.1%. But we have done that ourselves, so that means we are part of the 0.1%. But the probability of invention of English is obviously very low.
oof, that was a little maths detour. Hope your minds are stable now. At the end of the day, what I'm trying to say is that hardwork simply does not exists. It's all luck. Luck defines everything. The randomness defines everything. Randomness is the only thing that cannot be predicted. But what is meant to happen will happen. In accordance to the probability we are part of. Out of nowhere we came. To nowhere we go. For no reason. Maybe the birth of the universe itself was luck. Maybe.
Fate. Do you believe in fate? I certainly did not. My dad has been an atheist for a long time and well I became one very young as well even though the majority of my relatives were religious. They believed in fate but I did not. I found that stupid. But not now. I define fate in a different way now, not the one religion necessarily defines it I think, like God wrote our story long ago. Imagine a mathematical function which gives us the position of one particular atom or the least particle that constituents the universe over a particular time or like an sort of array that stores the position of said particles over the infinitesimal time possible. Then the story of our universe is one of those seemingly infinite number of possibilities of where each particle could be at any time. For an example, I'm lying on my bed right now whilst I could also be sitting on my desk if I had decided that before, so all the particles that constituent me are here right now during this particular time. Now what can I do from now? I can go to sleep maybe or play video games on my pc, whilst the possibilities seem limitless it is ofcourse limited, I can't go to space in the next second even if I wanted to, I can't go out of the physical universe and so on there is a limit to where my particles can be over time. And imagine if there are x number of possibilities that are possible from now on for my particles alone, then that would mean that I'm already living through one. That's is like tossing a coin, it's either gonna be head or tail(disregarding non ideal things that could happen) and mid way through the toss you could definitely say whatever is gonna happen is happening right now, that is if it's gonna be tails it is gonna be that. Whatever will happen has already been decided. Similarly we are living through one such possibility out of an seemingly infinite number of  possibilities. Well you may argue that but Akshay, I can think and I can change my actions and hence whatever happens to me so isn't that not fate but the consequences of whatever I have done, but the thing is that whatever you do is the consequence of fate in the first place, the particular atoms in your brain were at the right place at the right time for you to do the thing at the first place. This, is why I believe in fate. I believe that is why I'm writing this right now as well, because that is what's supposed to happen. Understanding this and acknowledging it can be key to several parts of one's life. I'm still not able to do so in many ways although I hope I could sooner, I have to keep thinking about this. Success or failure both are just based on luck and what will happen has already been decided by fate.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2021 ⏰

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