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Death, the ultimate end of humans. Supposedly happens for everyone. Could be for anyone at anytime. For an 1 year old Child or an 100 years old person. What is death as of now? Google defines it as, cessation(ending) of all biological functions that sustain a living organism. Well that's the technical term. What do you think about death of someone close to you? It's more than just that technical term right? The emotions and memories of them that you have is what they would come always. But what does death really mean to the individual?

Imagine that you are going to die in the next second. Consider that now you are dead. What really happens to you after you die? Here we have to again Define what the term 'you'. Does that point to your consciousness or your body? Well if its the body then you are technically dead according to the general explanation but what about your consciousness? When you become dead, your brain should also go off together with the other parts. When your brain goes out, what happens? Can you see anything after death? No. Can you think about anything after death? No. What's it like after we are dead? Well we can't even see anything, we don't even have our consciousness now. How are we supposed to be feeling anything indeed? Will it be blank? No, we can't say it will be blank can we because we can neither see more fell anything at all! Can we say that there would be nothing, just nothingness? Yes, nothingness should be the answer! You won't feel nothingness because it is nothing. If you know what I mean.... This also gives me other thoughts. The universe starts from nothing and life ends at nothing.

Our thinking capability also goes out with us. Such that we can't even think of anything at all. Before I used to think that I should destroy the whole world because humans should not exist. But Lisa Arnold to whom I'm dedicating this part to, somehow enlightened me into making me thinking that I would only have to destroy myself and not the whole world. If I destroy myself, my thinking goes with me and I shouldn't even care about killing the whole of humans. (Don't worry, I'm not gonna kill myself now though). This would also make me conclude that there's no afterlife or second life. Once we are dead, we are dead, we become nothing, we are now part of the nothingness. This is also some of the reasons why I say "Nothing is everything and everything is nothing indeed".
No one can avoid death can they? Some day, today or tomorrow or even years after, we would all become part of the nothingness. So why worry about anything at all? We humans could have been leading a happy life, but we are moving towards bad lifestyle. But bad or good lifestyle also doesn't have any part at all, but something is blocking me from becoming bad even though this book is all about neutral-ism. Supports both the good and bad but makes me follow the good even though we would all be nothing later.
So what's it like after death? The question that everyone has asked atleast once. Assuming they were aware of what death was. But the answer to it is simple. It is the answer to the question, "How was it like before you were born? ". The same is how it would be after you die.

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