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17 year old Beyoncé sat on the bathroom the cold tile patterned floor with her knees to her chest trying to catch her breath in between sobs

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17 year old Beyoncé sat on the bathroom the cold tile patterned floor with her knees to her chest trying to catch her breath in between sobs .

If you would've told her that the girl she had such high hopes for when she was 5 would be in the situation she was in now she would've called you a liar, probably flipped you off and told you she'd prove you wrong one day .

Yet here she was , a pathetic mess of tears that had dropped from her reddened eyes to her favorite pair of flare legged jeans that were now too tight for her to button up .

She'd already missed a whole week of school because she woke up sick one morning and has felt like absolute shit since then .

It was the same day in and day out.

She'd feel faint from not eating .

She'd go to the kitchen to find something she had a craving for .

She'd feel sick because she ate .

She'd feel sick for not eating because food made her sick and so on .

It got to the point where she could no longer hide it , not that she wanted to anymore anyway .

She wanted nothing more than to break down and beg her mom to take her to the doctor or revert back to her childish ways and lay her head in her moms lap so she could get babied or get a nice bowl of homemade chicken soup and crackers with a little glass of ginger ale to soothe her stomach .

No 17 year old threw up everyday for no reason .

She got her first cycle when she was 11 and freaked the fuck out despite her mother warning her that it would come any day after she started puberty .

Probably the only rule her mother gave her after they had their little girl talk was not to mess around with boys who would look at her different now that she was maturing and NOT to come home pregnant .

But it wasn't her moms suspicion that frightened her . It was her dad , and his promise to kick either her or her sister out if they ever embarrassed him by coming home to him unwed and knocked up ready to be a single mother .

Like most teens who find themselves in her shoes , she'd fall into the category of girls that claimed "I didn't mean for any of this to happen . I didn't know that a condom could break , and I didn't notice that I had missed my period for over a month either" They'd swear .

Graduation was right around the corner and her and Shawn had plans to attend the same college here in Texas to major in music and minor in producing and music theory  they both loved so they would never be separated .

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