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I woke up quite early and took a look around, passing it out as searching for the kitchen. After last night's talk, I'm actually starting to understand his life a little. I don't want to be too invested in his life in case he drops me and moves on.

After making coffee and eating whole-wheat bread -I swear rich people eat healthy but bland food- I went back to the room I'm using and took a short shower. I heard him talking on the phone from the outside of my room a while ago while I was dressing and now I'm here in the living room with my backpack to get going.

"I'm so sorry I didn't join you sooner. I hope you slept well," he says as he rushes down the stairs. I get up to meet him.

"I slept well, thank you."

"We'll buy breakfast on our-"

"I already ate," I say slowly, now regretting that I went around in his house without his permission. His mouth firms an 'o' and I awkwardly look away.

"That's totally fine. Once again, I'm sorry for not seeing to it that you're comfortable. I got a call from my mom and she said I start work tomorrow."

"At the company?" I ask as I take a seat next to where he flopped down.

"Unfortunately," he says as he runs a hand over his handsome face. I notice the stubble slowly growing and smile to myself. "I wanted to at least have a year off and just do my own thing, you know?" He looks at me, asking with his eyes for me to agree with him. I guess I'm the only one that could possibly agree with him.

"What'd you like to do?"

"I don't know, travel? Sightseeing is a good thing to do in your early twenties but she wants me to wear a suit every morning and go to a nine-to-five," he whines and I resist a chuckle. He pouts when he sees my amused face, making him look even more attractive.

"And one more thing," he says with a sly smile, edging me on. "She wants to meet the girl that slept in my house."


"I kinda said I had a guest staying the night and well, you know, mothers," he shrugged it off like it's the most common thing.

I have no problem meeting his mom under the title of friend, but the fact that he told his mom I'm staying the night implied that we slept together. And that's not how I want to meet his mom.

No girl wants to meet the mother of a guy that was sweet enough to accommodate her in his house with the impression that they slept together. So I say the most noble thing that came to mind.

"When do I meet her?"

"Right now." He gets up and takes my backpack, walking out of the house and I quickly rush to follow him outside. I get in and buckle up as he starts driving.

He drives out of the gates and doesn't go for the highway but instead heads up some designated road and soon we're speeding in between some hills. There doesn't seem to be any cars close around and I steal a glance at him and notice that his eyes are trained on the road ahead with one hand on the steering wheel and the other in a fist below his cheek resting on the door.


He slows down in front of a double-gated house and kills the engine, turning to face me with a small smile. "Before we go in, I'll let you know she can be pretty stubborn so bear with me when she starts assuming we're a thing."

"You make it seem like that's the worst thing ever," I kid. Not.

"Let's just say there are better things," he smirks.

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