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Unknown's POV

<A few hours past midnight. Private phone call, one-sided POV>

"Hello, boss."

"You shouldn't have reached out first. You heard from them?"

"Yes, they informed me. When do you want it?"

"Right now."

"It's locked and the alarm is on."

"I will send you the password. This needs to be exactly like how we planned, got it? Then we'll put our plan into action."

"The fools think they've got time. They won't know what hit them. I'm ready to show them their place."

"I hope it works out. I need this. My scars need this."

"They will pay for all they've done."

"Take care of yourself and wait for my next call. Goodbye."

Kyle's POV

The time reads 04:13. I don't remember the last time I worked out this late. Due to the nightmare I had, I woke up and started working out. I stop only when I taste the same metallic taste I did that night when...

No, get a grip of yourself. Don't torture yourself like this.

I smile as I look at the picture of Tess on my phone. She looks so fragile, vulnerable and innocent. She shouldn't have a guy like me in her life. No one should. They are just the same.

They don't know what kind of sick guy I am and yet they gave me a chance. The only difference is that Tess sleeping peacefully; she's not dead.

The more I think of her, the more I think of the other girl. We didn't bury her. We left her body in the woods to rot. Wild dogs probably came and feasted on her body. After all, no one could survive the attack, right?

Before I can wonder further, my phone vibrates in my hand with an incoming call.

Tess' POV

I was sleeping peacefully when my phone rang at around 3a.m.. Usually, I'd be mad but this phone call is from an important person, even though the time zones are a huge problem. Plus, had I received it in the middle of the day, it be inconvenient and risky for me.

I close my eyes again after taking the phone call. I sigh contently as I wait for sleep to come back to me. My eyes flicker open when I feel someone pull at my hair. It's him, my boyfriend. I smile and pull my covers off, looking at my wristwatch.

He offers me his hand which I happily take and we walk outside to a car. I get in without question and he sits beside me, telling me how much he missed me. The car is speeding but I don't mind that right now. I always feel safe when I'm with him. The car comes to an abrupt stop and he gets out, coming to the other side to help me down.

It's pretty chilly for a Spring night. I'm only in my pyjama shorts and shirt while he's wearing black pants and a black polo shirt. He takes my hand and leads me to the woods, talking about what had time and devotion lately. I get a hint of hurt in his tone but chose to ignore it. Shouldn't I be happy he's spending some time with me?

We stop in front of a tree, very old with dry barks. The cracking sounds of fallen twigs fill the air around us as I look around. I cannot see which way we came from. There's no sign of light and I forgot to bring my phone.

"What are we doing here?" I ask and he looks at me with wide eyes. He take my hands and kisses my knuckles, avoiding eye contact.

With a breaking voice, he speaks. "Pain is only in your mind."

Is he crying?

"What are you talking about?" I get a chill running down my spine and I look around, suddenly feeling scared.

He clenches his jaw and gives me a cold look, "I'm sorry, but I never share."

I turn to look behind me but a strong hard object beats me to it. It feels like I was hit with a hockey stick on my head. He lets go of my hands as I fall to my knees, feeling dizzy. The ground is spinning behind me and I grip onto my head for support. My hands feel wet and I bring them to my eyes.

Dark red.
Flowing down the side of my face.
Some down my forehead.
I feel it in my mouth and some stains my pink shirt.


I try to look up, to look for him, but my eyes hurt badly. I lean against the tree and it pierces my back. The new pain is somehow dimming the first one. He leans down and kisses my forehead. I start hiccuping when he moves back and four figures move forward.

One steps forward and pulls out what looks like a pocket knife. He crouches down and in a swift motion, he connects the blade to the side of my waist, cutting the skin closest to my right breast. I cry out in pain and cover my wound with my free hand.


Another one steps forward but this time he doesn't crouch down. He sucks in a breath of air before punching my nose; a fucking leftie. I fall to my side and blood is oozing out of my nose.


I try inhaling some air but my body shakes in pain. Twigs crack and I try to look up but before I even get the strength to, a boot makes contact with my stomach. I cough and whizz, spitting out blood.


The thought of death comes across my mind and this time I don't let it pass. Death feels comforting. It promises me a better feeling than what I'm going through. I'm pulled out of my trance by the sound of a gun.

Maybe my wish will come true after all. I look at the thoughtful person and our eyes lock. His eyes show no emotion and I smile.

At least he's the stronger one between us.

He lowers the gun to me and I hold my belly tighter. He looks more determined than my will to die. The metallic bat and knife are dropped to my feet but I don't look away. I watch his finger closely. He pulls the trigger and the sound comes half a second after.


I didn't flinch.

'Pain is only in your mind,' I replay his words as pain creeps up on me. First in the pit of my stomach before spreading every where like a deadly virus.

I move my hand over my fifth infliction and concentrate on the feeling I'll never experience again. I slowly close my eyes and relax my body. I hear them leaving. 'Please turn around and look at me one last time,' I want to shout but my breathe is slowly leaving my body.

They disappear and now I'm left all alone. My mind is a blank canvas and I feel everything closing in on me.

Then everything turns dark.

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