~Aarmau 36~

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A/N: all of the dialogue between Aph and Aaron is through texts.
Aphmau sat with her phone in her lap, staring blankly at the screen and waiting for it to vibrate.. She felt it go off in her hands and smiled, finally Aaron had texted.
"You good babe..?" It read.
"Yep, I'm fine. When will you be back..? I'm lonely here.."
"Don't worry, I'll be back soon. Has anyone stopped by? You're using the camera's right?"
"Only the mail man, the nice one. He came in to check on me, seeing as I didn't get straight to the door.."
"So you weren't using the cameras?"
"No I was!! I just had to pee.."
"I see.. everyone is asking about you Aph.. obviosly I haven't told them.."
"Aaron.. I wanted to ask you something..."
"What is it babe?"
"Why do you keep me around? Aren't I just a burden..? People always asking about me.. assuming I'm overly shy, when actually I'm.. deaf.."
"Aph, we've talked about this.. We loved each other since high school, before you went deaf.. and I promised to always be here as your boyfriend, and to find a way to cure your deafness.."
"I know.. but the doctor said there was little to no chance of me ever regaining my ability to hear.... That's why we learned sign language, and installed cameras.."
"He wasn't a Lycan Tech doctor.. My father has his best tech people working on many ways to fix this.."
"I wanna tell our friends Aaron.. Come home.. I have an idea.."
"Alright babe.. I'm on my way."
* ~ later that night ~ *
There they sat, the camera pointed on Aph and Aaron as the phone rang.
Katey picked up first, "Sup guys?"
Then Travis, "Yo! Aaron and Aph what's up!!"
Soon, everyone was in the call, Aph hasn't signed anything yet, she just sat with her face pressed against Aaron's chest.
"Alright guys, we gathered you all here because Aph has something really important to tell you." Aaron said and he nudged her and she signs,
"I am deaf."
Everyone was confused, but Aph just kept signing it.
"She's say she's deaf guys." Aaron stated firmly. "She went deaf shortly after college, and only wanted our families to know. That's why we disappeared for about a year.. We all learned sign language for Aph. The doctor said there was little to no chance she'll be able to hear again.."
"That's horrible!!" Katey and Lucinda burst out together.
"Let me finish." Said Aaron calmly, "As you know, my father owns a massive tech company, and he has mountains of cash right?"
All of their friends nodded.
"Right now, we are currently trying to develop a device that will enable the deaf to hear again. We are not only doing this for Aph but for every deaf person in the world.."
"Aaron that's amazing!" Garroth said.
"Yeah, any way we can help?" Asked Zane
"Yeah, anything at All?" Kawaii chan asked.
Aaron signed it all to Aph, who blushed, and signed back to him.
"She wants you guys to try and learn sign language..."Aaron said.
Everyone agreed, then they started laughing. Aph was trying to kiss Aaron, but he turned away to grab his notepad, and she pouted her lip.
"What did I do?" He asked them
"Come on dude, look at Aph!!" Dante yelled. There sat Aph, who was done pouting and had her lips puckered up. Aaron nodded and met her lips with a kiss.
A/N: would you guys want a part two? Thinking something along the lines of, they manage to restore Aph's hearing? Sound off in the comments!!

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