Chapter 176-The Throne

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Time to see what the real conflict of NPOA is about. You all ready to learn some history?

The throne felt immense though in reality it was little larger than many mortal emperor's seats. In the dark stone cave one was pressured by an aura which was completely concealed. People who walked in would experience intense unease despite not really feeling anything at all. It was a subconscious reaction to just the tiniest hint of wrongness. He walked in despite the warnings of his soul though. There was no turning back now.

"Draw your sword!" He cried. He had planned for this challenge for a lifetime.

"My sword has not been drawn in over a millennia. What right do you have to see it?" The King on the throne looked down upon the challenger a tall man with thick sinewy muscles and a naked blade which curved long and thin the length of his body. Despite the lack of light in the cave the cold steal gleamed intently. This was a blade which had born many battles and cut down Immortals and Gods. The blade of a hero...

"Just draw your blade! I will not have the next generation saying I cut you down without letting you draw!" The challenger rushed forwards despite his warning and delivered a stroke with the long blade which almost scraped the cave ceiling. As his feet dashed over the wet slippery cave the King on the throne did not move.


It was not until a split second later that the long blade hit the empty throne, leaving behind a small nick in the sculpted stone. The challenger's eyes glanced behind him, seeing the King standing with his back to him, his blade still sheathed.

"You still won't draw!" He yelled infuriated. The King sighed replacing his sheathed sword at his side.

"A dead man cannot make me draw."


The challenger's shocked face stretched into two separate halves as his vivisected body crumbled to the floor.

"One step to slay Immortals. Two to slay demons. Three to pierce the Heavens. No one in the last ten generations has survived my draw. And yet you think you are worthy of my draw?" The King shook his head, swishing his sheathed sword around to dislodge imaginary blood. Naturally there wasn't any real blood for he had cut the challenger too fast for blood to adhere to the sheath.

"I wonder when that disciple I took on will return. To finally be surpassed after so long, that is my dream. Even if I can no longer see the top my only wish is to see someone else go higher!"


Slow claps entered the cave as the King returned to his throne. He didn't bother turning his head, keeping it resting on his hand. A strange man suddenly exploded in with a ball of Qi. 

"Li Jaal, why are you here again? It hasn't even been a century since the last time you decided to bother me." He said without a single ounce of interest. 

"Ole Three Step. The only one of us who can still contend for the Throne. Why do you waste away done here when you have so much potential?" A deadly silence filled the cave as the water dripped quietly. The newcomer was a brightly dressed demon with a devilish grin and a tricky aura which was difficult to pin down. If Dahn maintained an impenetrable invisible aura, then this demon Li Jaal had an aura which could be one of any. It was impossible to tell if the face he was putting on now was real or not or if what you were seeing was real with him. After his disparaging comment however the room's atmosphere did not noticeable change. However for a second time seemed to hang. Dripping water welled up and broke yet made no sound. 

"Hey! Hey! I'm not one of those idiotic youths looking to use you as a stepping stone to fame. No need to activate THAT technique!" Li Jaal put up both hands and laughed nervously. He sighed in relief when the water drop finally stopped hanging in suspension and fell to the ground splattering everywhere.


"Can you really say that you're not looking to use me as a stepping stone to your fame though...? Speak your piece or get out of my Hells. I'm tired of hearing your  voice." The King on the throne removed his hand which had at some point seemingly teleported onto the handle of his sword. 

"Ok ok. You're so pissy with your friends. I'll tell you in a moment. But first a bit of news. You remember that Bladelord fellow you used to spar with in your youth?" Li Jaal casually mentioned. Suddenly the King was interested for the first time. He leaned in,

"What? What about him. He's been dead for generations. Why bring him up now?"

The trickster knew that he had pipped the King's interest. Now it was just a matter of reeling him in.

"Oh nothing much...except he's not dead. Not yet at least. He resurfaced for some reason and battled one of the Heaven's Heralds. What's more...he's regained his power. If what I hear from my spies in the Heavens is right, he's almost as strong as his prime. He's reentered the Heaven's watchlist. Interesting right?" Li Jaal smirked as the King's block-like passivity was ruined.

" old enemy. So you were alive all this time. How I have yearned all these years to lock blades with you once more. But you had gone and gotten yourself mortally wounded by the accursed Heavens. I had assumed you had passed into the void but... now that you have returned how can I let such a chance just pass me by?" The King was deathly still. Then he stood up. "Where is he? Lead me to him immediately. No tricks, just me and him." Li Jaal was grinning from ear to ear.

"Of course, of course. But there's just one hitch... I require help with a certain matter. After that, we can go see him together. Won't that be just a great picture? Just one small favor is all I ask."

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