Ch. 7 Return

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Rosabelle's POV

The ride back was quiet. I was stuck inside my head thinking of my past and my dreams of what life could have been. I should have known that it wasn't possible.

"Rosabelle, we're back." What? Didn't we just leave? Was I that out of it? That wasn't the only thing I was confused about though.

"Elijah, why are we at your house?"

"I think you should meet my family, formally this time. Also, you will be safe here. Stefan and Damon can barely protect themselves. How will they protect you?" He did have a point and there wasn't any good argument why I couldn't go inside and say hello to anyone. With that, we got out of the car and walked up to the house. Elijah walked right inside with me following a few steps back. 

"Elijah, brother! Did you bring me a snack?" Kol yelled through the house. Once done talking, he appeared in front of us.

"No Kol, Rosabelle is not here for your entertainment." 

"Oh shush Elijah. I think we should ask the pretty lady." He turned towards me. "Darling, would you like to come with me?" He said with a smirk. Those eyes held a promise of something more. They were predatory. That was for sure.

"Sure -" 

"Ha see Elijah! She wants me and my -"

"When pigs fly." Laughter roared through the room. Elijah was laughing as was a female in another room. She flashed into the foyer. 

"Looks like we finally found a girl with eyes Kol. My name's Rebekah and I think we are going to be the best of friends." Smiling at me, I could tell she did indeed need a friend. She wasn't like any girl I've met. They are all like Elena and I don't need people like that in my life.

"If we are going to be friends, you are going to have to go to some stores with me and help me pick out some clothes because girl you know what you're doing!" We were laughing at the end together, but the boys didn't look to happy.

"Rebekah, I brought her here for her to be with me. I'm protecting her anyway."

"Hey! I want to spend time with her. You got her all afternoon Elijah. Wait! What do you mean protecting? Darling are you in danger? Come here. I won't leave you it's okay. You're safe with me." Instead of me coming to him, he flashed over and held my face in his palms. 

"It's okay Kol, but thank you. I'll have to learn how to be by myself. You guys won't be there all the time and I wouldn't want to bother you anyway." I gave him a small smile.

"No, no. I finally make a friend and you think I'll let you get hurt? Hell no! You're moving in with me Belle." Rebekah's voice was getting louder with every word.

"Rebekah, thank you, but I could just-"

"Darling, it's settled. You're moving in." His voice held no room to oppose.

"Elijah?" I said looking for help.

"I think it's a great idea. You will be safe here." He looked smug. I'm not sure how I feel about being outruled on a decision that should be mine. 

"Ugh! You guys aren't even going to give me the choice are you?"

"Nope! Now let's go shopping!"

Next chapter being uploaded tonight. Just thought I would put this one out since I wanted to separate the two.

Would also like to dedicate this chapter and the next to Madi030303! She actually made me smile with her comment and I can't believe someone would actually like my writing that much! Thank you so much for your support!

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