Ch. 17 Getting Somewhere

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Kol's POV

We've been in the car for almost four hours and I don't think there has ever been a time with so little threats being thrown at each other. I could count them on one hand and that's saying something since the Salvatores tagged along with us. It should honestly be called a miracle. But I guess it's not surprising since Rosabelle is an angel and angels are known to preform miracles. 

"Elijah, where are we meeting her?" Klaus asked while driving.

"The bridge at Freedom Park."

"Good. We will be there in five minutes."

"Do you really think the doppelgänger will know where Rosabelle is?" I asked. 

"I think she's our best bet of anyone knowing where she is." Damon responded. 

"Katerina is good at finding people, so even if she doesn't know where she is, she can still help us." Elijah added.

As we pulled up to the park, I looked out the tinted window. It was really nicely kept and overall beautiful. Rosabelle would love this place. I'll have to bring her sometime and tell her about how we willingly talked to the doppelgänger to find her. But we all know we would burn the world for her if that's what it takes. 

When Nik finally parked the car, we got out and made our way over to the bridge where we were supposed to meet her at. Of course she wasn't there yet. Was punctuality not a thing anymore? I guess I'm still old school since Nik kept me in a box for a century.

"Klaus. You give me your word that I'll be free and you won't kill me after this is done?" The doppelgänger's voice rang out from behind the trees.

"Yes Katerina. Now would you please get over here. We don't have time to waste." She flashed herself onto the bridge in front of us. 

"Stefan, Damon. Wonderful to see you two again." She smiled at them. "What did you need to talk to me about?" She asked Elijah and Klaus. You see this is why I like Rosabelle. She doesn't leave me out like the majority of the world. Even my brothers left me out of the Always and Forever promise. But, whatever. I'll let them deal with this. I don't need to get aggravated anyway. 

"Do you remember Rosabelle?" Stefan asked.

"Is this about her?" 

"Yes. Do you know where she might hide out."

"I'm assuming you want honest answers and I want to live to see tomorrow, so yes I do."

"Where?" Elijah forcefully asked. All three of us moved forward a bit. We probably looked like an intimidating group. Three strong originals brothers: The original hybrid, the reckless, and the ripper of hearts. We could do anything we want and no one could stop us. 

"Why do you want to know? And why are the Salvatores here? I will not let you hurt her." 

"Katherine-" Damon started, but her eyes turned into a glare at the younger Salvatore. 

"Stefan, what do they know?" He looked surprised at the question.

"What do you mean? What do you know?" He retorted.

"Can we stop with the 'what do you know' stupid game?! I'd rather find her before next month." I yelled. The longer we sit here like ducks, the farther she gets and right now I'd rather have her tucked under my arm.

"I know, Stefan. And let me guess. They know about her too?"

"Yes. They know what she is Katherine. They don't care. That's not why we are looking for her."

"Then tell me."

"Lexi showed up and-"

"You fucking let Lexi in the same room as her!" She yelled.

"She just came in unannounced and-"

"Whatever, Damon. What's done is done."

"So the reason you don't know where she is..."

"She used her Angel powers to flash out and we couldn't catch up to her. If you know about what she is and what Lexi means to her then you probably know that she is extremely good at covering her tracks. For some reason everyone thought you would know where she might go if she was to flee and I'm hoping for your sake that they were correct because only Nik promised  he wouldn't kill you, darling." I spoke while making my way over to her until I stood right in front of her and had to look down at her. She gulped knowing she was at my mercy. Good, be afraid. I want my Rosabelle back.

"Yes, I know where she is, but she would be really upset at me if I brought anyone there."

"Does it look like I care, Katerina." I growled out.

"Why do you want to find her so bad?"

"Just tell us where she is." Klaus demanded.

"You don't understand. She would be so angry at me. No one knows of that place besides us. Only she can tell you since it's technically hers."

"Katerina." Elijah growled out.

"I can bring her to you though." She said quickly.

"That's a better answer, doppelgänger." I huffed out.

"She will be here by the morning. I promise. I'll text Elijah where to meet us." 

"We will stay close Katerina. Do not test us. This is the one thing you should fear messing up." Klaus threatened.

"You love her, don't you? All three of you?"

"Tomorrow Katerina." Elijah finalized before all five of us walked away and back to the car. We will just have to wait until tomorrow morning to see her. That would be fine if I could be patient like my brothers, but I'm not. Guess I'll have to go find someone to donate blood. I'm going to need a brown eyed male. If anyone looks like Rosabelle, Charlotte, North Carolina might just see a massacre.

Author's Note

Hope you enjoyed the double update. Thank you all for getting this story to be #4 on the hashtag #originals out of 5.5K stories!! 

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