Ch. 12 Movie Night

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Elijah's POV

I couldn't believe this! I just got Rosabelle to accept she's ours and what happens? My sister takes her! 

"Rebekah!" I shout. "Open this door right now. I want Rosabelle out here by the count of five. Do you understand me, sister?" 

"There's a reason you can't open the door 'Lijah. Did you think about that?" She says in a sing song voice. A growl escaped me.

"Rosabelle." I said in a deathly calm voice. "I suggest you open this door. You can not hide away in there forever and when you do come out you will receive the punishment of a lifetime. Now do yourself a favor and open the damn door." Agitation slipped into my voice at the end. Surprisingly, Kol and Nik haven't said a word. The door opened slowly with a shy Rosabelle on the other side.

"Don't be mad 'Lijah. It's not like it was my idea either!" She says quietly.

"Hey don't lie! The door thing was totally your idea and a brilliant one at that!" Rebekah exclaimed from behind her. I walked closer to her, looking down into her eyes.

"Is that true, Rosabelle?" I asked in a deep voice. She squeaked out a yes in response. 

"I'll let it pass this time, my sweet, but if you ever run away from me again, the consequences will not be as nice. Do you understand, Rosabelle?" 

"Yes, Elijah." She said looking through her eyelashes with her head down. She looked so innocent. It took all of me to stop myself from taking her to the nearest surface and fucking her so hard she wouldn't be walking tomorrow.

"Okay, great. Now that Elijah has had his alpha male moment, which I thought would be Nik first to be honest, let's do something. How about a movie, darling?" Kol said to my right. Rosabelle's eyes lit up at the suggestion.

"Yes! What movie?" She asked excited.

"Up to you, darling." 

"Okay, let's go!" With Rosabelle running off to the sitting room, all I could think was 'when will this girl learn?'. I flashed into the room immediately after her.

"Rosabelle, what did we just talk about?" I asked her with a stern voice. With a sheepish look on her face, she turned towards me. 

"Sorry, Elijah. I was just really excited about the movie. Forgive me?" She said with a soft voice.

"It's okay, but no more. Understood?"

"Yes, Elijah." She said, laying a kiss on my check. This girl knows how to play me. I'll admit it. Letting out a growl, I grabbed her hips and brought her as close as I could.

"You're playing with fire, my sweet." With my voice dipping down, I knew I was affecting her.

"Brother, you may not keep her to yourself." Klaus came walking in. I gave a quick nod in response and let go of her. I would share. That is what we agreed to do. I could share, I knew that. It was the fact that she was getting close and laying those beautiful lips on me. 

"Darling, what movie?" Kol said, walking in with an iPad in hand. Rosabelle walked over to the couch, sprawling out. I can't wait until I have her sprawled out just like that on my bed. 

"The Ring." I'm sorry. The what now?! She wants to watch an extreme horror movie?

"Really?" Kol said in surprise, looking up from the iPad.

"If you would rather watch something else, that's fine." She said quietly.

"No darling. It's okay. I was just surprised. The Ring it is." Kol started setting up the movie while I moved myself to the armchair. Nik placed himself right next to Rosabelle. She sat up and cuddled into the side of him. He pulled her close and she laid her head on his shoulder. Kol and Rebekah just sat themselves done on the other couch.

Throughout the movie, even I felt a little anxious. What kind of horror movie is this? Real life torture? My siblings have all flinched a few times. Nik was scared the least, but still obviously disturbed. Rosabelle? Well she just sat there with a smile on her face and her eyes never leaving the screen. There was no fear in her eyes and she never flinched. She even laughed at one point! 

Finally, we reached the end of the movie and it was quiet. Rebekah was the first to speak.

"What the hell did we just watch?" 

"A movie, Rebekah." Rosabelle said lightly with a giggle at the end.

"I sure hope that wasn't real life! How are you so calm?!" She just shrugged.

"There's a lot worse that goes on in life then that movie, Bekah." She said quietly. Oh hell no. Whoever hurt my sweet Rosabelle has hell to pay. Growls came from all the males in the room. 

"Who was it, love?" Nik said trying to stay calm.

"No one, Nik. I'm fine."

"Don't lie to us, darling." Kol was starting to lose his patience, but so was I.


"Rosabelle, do I have to bring up the man I killed when we went on our little road trip?"

"No, but-"

"So, obviously there's something you're not saying."

"That's not the point!"

"Oh, but isn't it love? Did we not ask who hurt you?" Nik said making his way over to her, looking like a true predator. 

"But Nik-" She never got to finish her sentence due to the door slamming open and two vampire speeding in. One grabbed Rosabelle and tried to flash her away as the other followed. Niklaus was the first to react, flashing in front of the vampire with Rosabelle.

"And where do you believe you are going with her?" Nik practically growled.

"Home, obviously." The youngest Salvatore said.

"I don't think so. She is staying here with us." I spoke up, making my way over.

"No, she's coming home with us." The elder Salvatore said. Slowly, all of us were yelling back and forth.

"SHE is in the middle and has sensitive hearing! So, if you are all going to argue like an old married couple, can you do it when I'm not in the middle please?"

"Bellzy, tell them you're coming home with me." Stefan looked down into her eyes. She turned her head back to us.

"I'm going back with Stefan." I'm sorry. What now?! Growls were heard from around the room.

"No!" Three deep voices yelled. 

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