Ch. 16 Contact

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Niklaus' POV

"What the bloody hell is going on?!" 

Everyone's head turned to face me in surprise. My face held anger and a promise of pain if no one answered.

"Klaus, this is Lexi." Stefan started. He was about to continue, but Elijah butt in.

"Lexi, as in sister Lexi?" His voice was dark. Probably the darkest I've ever heard. I didn't know she had a sister, but I'm more confused on Elijah's attitude towards her. Usually he's all formal and nice when he meets someone.

"That would be her." Damon said sharply, obviously not a fan of the blonde either.

"Damon, you killed me. You should be nicer than that to me." 

"I'll kill you again and this time you better stay dead." He threatened.

"Obviously you all know something except Nik and I, so would you like to enlighten us?" Kol spoke harshly.

"Lexi has had people torture Rosabelle for the last 500 years, to put it simply." Elijah said. A growl erupted from my throat.

"What!" Kol and I yelled. Both of our eyes turned red in anger. 

I ran at the blonde, forcing her against the nearest wall and holding her still with my hand wrapped tightly around her throat. 

"My brother better be lying." I said in a deathly calm voice. 

"He's not." 


"Because she's a freak and shouldn't be here. My mother decided to fail our family and have an affair. She lied to us about her! That freak shouldn't be alive, but death is too easy." 

"How was I ever your friend?" Stefan whispered. 

"Because little Rosabelle was either gone or hid it from you because she was afraid to lose you." The blonde sneered.

"Afraid to lose me or of what you would do if you found out she told me?" Stefan's tone became darker as he spoke.

"Probably both." She laughed while speaking.

"I want to kill you, to see your heart in my hand and the veins slowly crawl up your face, just to see the life drain out of your eyes, but you deserve so much worse than an easy death for what you did to her." Slight fear came into her eyes. but she tried to hid it as quick as it came. 

"Ah ah." A smirk rose on my face. "You aren't as good at hiding your feeling as your sister. You're smart for being afraid, love. Just you wait. You will be begging for death." I brought out my two sets of fangs and saw her look into my golden eyes with fear. She tried to get out of my reach by pushing herself against the wall, but there was no hope. I ripped into the flesh on her neck, taking some of her blood and replacing it with a toxic venom. Pulling my teeth out roughly, I saw the mess of blood and flesh on her neck. I smirked in satisfaction. 

"Enjoy that, love." I said while snapping her neck. 

"Ripper. How sturdy is that cell downstairs?"

"Enough to hold me on a blood high."

"Put her down there. We need to find Rosabelle. I'll worry about her later."

"Do you know where she might go Niklaus?" Elijah asked.

"No. Do you, brother?" I asked Elijah and Kol. We need to find her. Who knows what she would do now that she knows her sister is alive. 

"No. Salvatore?" Kol asked the brothers that just came back up the stairs. 

"What?" Stefan asked confused. 

"Do you have any ideas where Rosabelle might be?" Elijah asked. 

"No." Stefan said sadly. 

"I might." 

"Where?" The three of us flashed closer to the elder Salvatore.

"As far as I know, her angel teleportation thing only gets her so far as she hasn't figured it out totally yet. That means she isn't too far. She knows how to cover he tracks though, so she's going to be really hard to find. Even for the big bad hybrid. But here's the million dollar question. Who else can hide from him?

"Katerina." Elijah said.

"Ding ding. We got a winner. Rosabelle was talking one night about how Katherine taught her a few things a couple centuries ago. If anyone knows where she might be, it's her."


"I'm already calling her, brother." Elijah said as he was bringing his phone to his ear. The phone kept ringing until it went to voice mail.

"Call again." Kol voiced. Again, Elijah dialed the number and held the phone to his ear. Two rings went by until it went quiet.

"Is there a reason you're calling me, Elijah?" A sweet, feminine voice was heard.

"Where are you?"

"Now you should know by now it's not that easy."

"Katerina, this is serious."

"Haven't heard that one in awhile. It's nice to hear your voice again, Mr. Mikealson." She laughed at the end. We don't have time for this!

"Elijah!" Kol yelled.

"Don't yell at me brother. I am trying."

"Try harder! The longer we sit here chatting with the doppelgänger, the farther Rosabelle gets and I will not lose her because of your incompetence to get the location from the doppelgänger!"

"Katerina. I'm going to have to cut our chat short. Where are you? I need to talk to you."

"It sounds like a lot more then just you Elijah." 

"Katherine! For God's sake! Just talk to them." Damon yelled. She was silent for a second, probably surprised. 

"Damon? If I had to pick which brother would work with the originals, I honestly have to say I thought it would be Stefan."

"Oh, don't worry Katherine. I'm here too." Stefan said calmly, knowing she could still hear him. 

"Wow. The Salvatore and the Mikaelson brothers all working together. Are pigs flying?" 

"Katerina just tell us where you are. We are going to find you one way or another. Just make this easy." Elijah said into the phone.

"Well if you are just going to find me anyway, why not make it a little fun?" Kol growled at her words. 

"Katherine! This is not the time for games!" Damon yelled. I grabbed the phone out of Elijah's hands. 

"Niklaus wait -"

"You will be free from me for all your human mistakes and those that followed it." There was only silence. No one in the house spoke, far too surprised with my proposition. 

"You swear it?"

"Yes. Tell us where you are and stay there until you talk with us and you are free."

"Charlotte, North Carolina." 

"We will see you this evening. You get a call from us, you pick it up. Understood, Katerina?"


"Okay. 4 hours. Mess this up and you will not know pain like what I will give to you." I shut the phone off and handed back to Elijah.

"Let's go." I said, while walking out of the Boarding House. I will find her and anyone who gets in my way will fear the day they were born. 

Author's Note

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you all for waiting for this update. I've been busy with finals. Next update might be as early as tonight!

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