Ch. 15 Acceptance

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Kol's POV

"You do?" Rosabelle's sweet, soft voice broke the silence of the otherwise tension filled air. 

"Yes. As much as I hate them and this situation and wish it never happened, it's obvious they care about you and if someone is going to be with my Munchkin then it better be someone who's strong and can protect you if need be." I stared at the eldest Salvatore with a blank face. I'll admit, it takes guts to do what he just did. Letting go of your little sister, even if she wasn't by blood, and letting her be with the supposed enemy. Although, to be honest I don't know how much longer we will be the enemy. With Elena out of the Salvatore picture and Rosabelle being treated like the Queen she is, the Mikealson name might just be pretty good in the Salvatore's mind after awhile. 

Rosabelle, faster then my eyes could follow, ran to Damon, giving him the biggest hug. I'm not too happy with it, but at least I got a kiss. Look's like I'm winning brothers! I felt a sly grin grow on my face. I knew I would have to learn restraint when it came to her with her brothers, but I just didn't want anyone else's hands on her then ours.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." She let out in a quick succession. She then dared to kiss his check. Oh hell no. I ran over using Vamp speed, thinking no way in hell was I letting her lips touch another man's skin. Even if it was her brothers. I grabbed her by the waist, flipped her around towards my body and forced her legs to wrap around me. She looked at me in utter surprise as I walked back to my spot on the couch and sat down with her. She slapped me lightly on the shoulder, which hurt as much as a paperclip being dropped on your foot would. 

"Hey! What was that for?"

"Rule Number One," I started. "You do not kiss any other man. Your brothers are the only other ones you can calmly touch, but nothing too much."

"Good save, brother." Elijah butt in to the conversation. I nodded at both Elijah and Nik to show I was just doing my job.

"But they're my brothers. It's family. I can't like kiss them on the check?"

"No." Nik's strong, unwavering voice spoke for all three of us. "Only Kol has gotten a kiss on the check from you and we will not have it if you give them out freely to them and not us." 

Her eyes widened, lighting up with some strange intent. What on Earth was she thinking? I knew that mind of hers was dangerous and those eyes tell of only so much. 

Suddenly, I was in heaven. Her hands held both sides of my face and she crashed her lips onto mine, kissing me sweetly, but with so much power. Her scent moved around me, filling me to the brim with content. All too quickly, her lips disappeared from mine. 

"Looks like he's got more then that, Niklaus." She purred out. Nik's eyes turned golden and Elijah was trying his best to keep himself composed, but even with a thousand years to perfect restraint, nothing prepared them from holding back from the angel that could be a devil in disguise. 

"Darling, as much as I loved that kiss and can not wait until the next time I get to taste those sweet lips again, you still are not giving these two kisses and that's final." 

"Fine, I'll adhere, if I still get to cuddle with them. Stefan is my teddy bear and I'm not giving that up!" 

"Cuddle?" Elijah questioned.

"Yes, Elijah. You do know what cuddling is right?" She asked playfully. 

"Yes, Rosabelle. I do. I may be old, but I'm still with the times." I don't think I've even heard Elijah sass someone. I'd give it a 6/10. Could use some work, but not half bad.

"Good, because I'm a cuddler and Stefan is my outlet for that. This is one thing I will not waver on, understood?" She used her no argument voice at the end. She was telling the truth when she said she wouldn't waver. I never want to oppose that voice. If it makes an Original question their stance, I could only imagine what she could do like that. Truly a Queen amongst her Kings. 

"Understood, Rosabelle. But I know where I'm taking you once we get home." She smiled at him, accepting the offer.

"Why don't we finish this tomorrow back at the mansion?" Nik said. He was probably right. 

"Fine, but I'm still staying here tonight." 

"Me too." All three of us said. The Salvatores just let out a dry laugh and rolled their eyes slightly. 

"Okay, I have a question. If everyone here was an animal, what would they be?" Rosabelle's sweet voice questioned. Although I'm a little confused about why the hell she's asking that, I guess I'll just go along with it.

"Wolf." Nik already said. 

"Yea, even if you weren't one I could still see it." She confirmed. 

"Darling, what do you think Elijah and I would be?"

"That wasn't the question! I said what do you think you would be. I can't pick for you." One look at my face and she said "fine."

"Hmmm. Elijah might be a bear. Kol, maybe a puma or something. I don't know. I'm not great at this. I like hearing what you think you are." 

"I think I'll take puma, darling." She smiled up at me. White teeth forming a perfect smile.

"Hey munchkin, what do you think? Raven?" Damon said. Stefan let out a deep chuckle.

"Very fitting, brother." Rosabelle just nodded her head in agreement, a little smirk on her face. We were finally in a calm place, no tension between families, shoulders relaxed. 

"Stefan." A female voice appeared out of what seemed like thin air.

"What is she doing here?" A blond woman stood at the bottom of the stairs. The two brothers and Rosabelle seemed to freeze in place, eyes widened in surprise. Fear and hostility filled the Salvatore's eyes, but Rosabelle's went completely blank. I've never seen such empty eyes. Her guard went up faster then even Nik could dream of his doing. I've never been more of afraid for someone in my life. 

"Lexi?" Stefan question, but before he could finish her name, Rosabelle disappeared within a bright flash of white light. No evidence of where she had gone and only her scent that proved she was even here a second ago. Everyone was on their feet. The Salvatores stood facing the woman, seemingly trying to protect Rosabelle and not even aware of her disappearance, while my brothers and I stood and looked to where she just was, wondering where the hell she just went and why she left the way she did. 

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