27: Work For My Grandpa.

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I checked herds with Grandpa and Axel as he gave me advice on the ranch. I told Grandpa that I could run the ranch with Axel's help if he wanted to stick around longer. I learned from Blake one night that Axel stayed on the ranch after I went off for two years to college. He's been going on as the replacement foreman for the older one Grandpa has known since my father was working here as a teen.

Both Axel and I don't know where our parents are. Our grandparents are the only parents we've ever known. We were on our way back to the ranch when my phone started ringing. I checked to see who it was before answering. "Hey. How's work?" I asked. "Not bad. I'll be off work early today though." Blake said. "I'll be waiting then. I've got to finish up with my Grandpa before then though." I said.

"So, I'll talk to you later?" Blake asked. "Definitely. We can go do something for supper if you like." I said. "Sounds good. I'll see you later." He said. "Love you?" "Love you too Cammy. Always have, always will." The line cut. I put my phone back in my saddlebag. "Anything you want to share with us Camellia?" Axel asked. "Why?" I asked.

"For the same reason we all dressed up to see you married, you say you don't then you disappear till the next day." Axel said. "I realized that I would have never been truly happy with that guy." I told him. "That's the reason I said 'I don't'." "Ok. Then how bout you disappearing? Were you with Blake who also simultaneously disappeared after you left the chapel?" Axel asked.

"Why don't you mind your own business." I said. "Just wondering if I'm going to be an uncle." Axel said. Grandpa blocked both of our views from each other. "Axel stop interrogating. You know if she went with Blake nothing would have happened." Grandpa said. "It's so obvious that they like each other. What bout him staying here?" Axel asked.

"He's staying here because it's closer to his job." I said. Axel scoffed. I rode off ahead before galloping back to the barn. Once there I dismounted before taking care of Twist before going to check on the twins who are leaving for their new home tomorrow with Memphis and his wife. I did go to the wedding he invited me to, but sat in the back. I congratulated him on the marriage through a text message before leaving before the reception.

I scratched both three year old colts and changed their water. They did grow out of the wild stage into being perfect gentlemen colts who will not bite or snap. I left their two stalls and went to check on other things. Grandpa and Axel rode in. I went to check water troughs before walking the distance out to the yearling pen to bring those up.

I put them in their paddock before going into the house and up to my bedroom to shower. I stripped out of my sweaty clothes and into the cool water. I washed my hair before two arms wrapped around my waist. "How was your day?" I asked. "Good." He said before turning the water off. He picked me up before sitting down with me straddling his lap. One of his hands between my body and his.

"What would you do if I lost my job with that farmer?" He asked. "I wouldn't care." I said. "I don't know what I did, but he fired me today while I was out working the field." He said. I moved up higher on his body. "Blake. If you need a job, my grandpa is trying to find someone for this summer to take care of my chores while he trains me on the office work." I said.

"Do you think he'll allow it?" He asked. "Your like another grandson to him." I said. He kissed me. "Let's finish showering and talk more outside the shower." I said. "That works." He said before picking me up and standing himself. We finished showering then went and chilled on my bed talking about it.

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