30: An Old Friend.

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I let Blake twirl me around the makeshift dance floor in the empty hay barn for the reception. Grandpa was the next dance. I had my whole life to dance it away with my husband. The songs switched to the song that Axel and I were to dance to. We both moved in a similar rhythm to the steps that we both knew since we were younger.

Having him as an older brother was a challenge, one that pushed me to be my best. He was every bit of stubborn as I was. We both got it from our grandparents. We share eye color and hair color. Even though he and I fight we both get along most of the time. That's the best part about having him. I haven't had any trouble since being back. I guess something happened during those two years. Or my brother threatened them not to come around because I was taken.

We'll still fight in the future, even over the stupidest things. After our dance, Blake danced the last one for the night with me. There's no way I'm giving up this life for one I'm not happy in. We both then went up onto the makeshift stage, known as a flatbed trailer, to thank the guests for coming. I spotted Memphis with his wife. I then scanned the enclosed area spotting the second twin.

I couldn't believe he showed. He had a small warm smile on his face. When we were done, Blake and I slipped out. "You looked stunning tonight." We both stopped and turned. Blake's hand moved to my waist. "Didn't think you would show up." I said. "I put that behind me. I found a place where I'm happy." Rome said shoving his hands into his front pockets.

"I'm glad." I said. "Congratulations. You always deserved the best." He said. "I should be going." He looked down at his watch. "I've got a lady at home waiting on me. The other gets impatient if I'm not on time." He said before heading to a vehicle. "I guess he found what he was looking for?" Blake asked. "He did. One moment." I said as I got Blake to release me.

I went up to Rome. "Hey." He turned quickly. "Thanks for showing me how a man should treat me. If you need anything, you know where to look and call." I said. "Thanks for the offer sweetheart. I believe your husband is the real man that showed you how to be treated." He said. "I'll call if I need something. Memphis lives too far away. I'm sure my fiancée and friend would like to meet ya. I've had a fight with him several times just to knock sense into me. Told him it started with a stubborn nineteen year old woman who shoved back when she had enough."

"See ya round then. Come here if you need work. Your always welcome to." I said. "I'll think bout it." He said before getting in. I went back to Blake letting him pick me up. One more thing we need to do." Blake said. I giggled as opened the door to the house. Once so far in he set me down. He had kicked the door closed before setting me on my feet.

"Now. Bedroom or shower?" He asked. I smirked. "How does both sound?" I asked. "As long as your satisfied I'm good." He said. We didn't even make it to the bedroom before our clothes and shoes were discarded. He kissed me multiple times before setting me up on the bed. This is our new personal furniture. A gift from grandma and grandpa. They have their own furniture at their cabin.

I watched as he put the protective barrier on. "Which way do you want to start?" He asked. "Does it matter?" I asked. He pulled me closer to the edge. "It might hurt at first. I promise it'll lighten up." He said as he messed with my center. His fingers stretched it before he kissed the top of my belly. He trailed kisses all the way to the top of my center.

"Ready?" He asked. "Definitely." I said. "You know what to do with those beautiful legs of yours." He said. Then slowly went in.

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