31: Who Wears The Pants.

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I woke up with two strong arms around my body. One covered my lower region while the other covered my breasts. The alarm went off. "Don't want to get up." Blake complained. I was nearly laughing. I reached between my legs grabbing his stick. He groaned. Then bucked against me. "Don't start. You'll be pregnant when I'm done with you." He said.

I chuckled before continuing to tease him. He pulled away rolling onto his back. I got up onto his thighs. "Your going to get it if you don't stop." He said. I could tell he wanted to. "I think I know my husband better than you think." I said. He smirked. "Oh yeah? How so?" He asked. "I know your sweet spots, when you like to do it best, how you like it, do I need to continue?" I asked.

"I love it when my beautiful wife is right." He said stretching. "How fast can you do it?" I asked. He quickly put protection on and flipped me over. "For waking us both up with your alarm. Then you wanting to wake me up more by teasing, you know how I love sleep." He said as he gripped my hips.

He lifted them up. "Jeez baby." I didn't know what he meant until he dove in. I was already ready. I moved closer to his body. Then let him have complete access. He was groaning and grunting. "Definitely love my woman." He said. I reached back grabbing him. His groan was approval.

Once our fun was over he went to work and I went to do paperwork. At lunch he came in and ate with me then went back to work. Maybe we can try for kids. I wouldn't mind having kids running around that look like Blake and I. At the end of the day, I went up to the house cooking supper and make sure laundry was done.

Four out of six days I'm in the office. Sundays we go to church, and might work a half day if it's for catchup or preparation. November's been quiet around here. We sorted more weanling calves out and weaned foals. Blake came in and took his boots and hat off. He then proceeded to strip down into his underwear.

I finished the load I was on before rolling my eyes at the clothes still piled by the front door. He will pick them up. I finished supper and set it on low before pulling two plates out and fixed two glasses of tea. Two arms wrapped around my waist. "Did you get the clothes by the door?" I asked him. "No ma'am." He said. "Please? And sort your clothes out so they can be washed." I said.

"Yes ma'am." He said. His arms retracted while I fixed the plates. I set them on the table along with the silverware and glasses of tea. I refilled his after he emptied it. He came back to the kitchen with shorts on and no shirt. We both sat down at the table and prayed for the meal. Axel will occasionally come to eat with us. So will grandma and grandpa.

"How was your day?" I asked him. "Hot. A cow decided her calf wasn't to be branded so she rammed Vax sending him rolling. Axel and I were able to rope her and drag her away while he got checked out." He said. "Any damage?" I asked. "No. The cow hit his arm. It's bruised at least to the bone. He got right back to working. Axel felt it to see if it was broken clean. He said look at it in the morning to see if it's swollen." He said.

"Have him come into the office in the morning. He'll keep working despite a break or fracture." I said. "True. Isn't he the one that one of the bridesmaids liked?" Blake asked. I nodded. "They're coming this weekend and staying two weeks to see if they honestly like riding." I said.

"Are you going to show them English and western riding?" He asked. "Yeah. It's only been ten years since I've English rode." I said. "Hope you can still do it." He said. "You want me to prove it tonight?" I asked. "As tired as I am, I'd love to see you try." He said. I scraped the last bite into my mouth before going to shower.

When I got out he had a towel waiting for me. "Protected or not?" He asked. "How soon do you honestly want kids?" I asked. "Whenever you're willing to start trying." He said. "How bout that rodeo in June. Make it to where I can ride in it and I'm good." I said. "If I'm correct that's about seven months from now." He said.

"It is." I said as he dug into the drawer on his side. "Then I guess only a few more months of waiting." He said. I went up to him kissing him. "That time will fly by babe." I said. "I know baby." He said before going to the bed. I followed. He laid down on the bed on his stomach. "Blake." I got up on the bed curling under the covers like him. "Do you want to have kids?" I asked him.

"I do. I want kids. I'm just tired. I straddled his back. I massaged his back. He sighed. "Tense?" I asked. He nodded. I leaned down kissing him. His eyes closed. "I'll make it to where you don't have to do anything." I said. He scoffed. "I promise I'll behave." I said. "Your dangerous." He said. "Your the one that wanted me." I said.

"So true." He rolled over. "If your going to play cowgirl, you get to cover." He said. "Only if you do it from behind in the morning." I said. "Deal." He said.

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