11: Hell and Back

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After she leaves, I realize how tired I am.

My throat doesn't really hurt anymore, it just kind of throbs, and I can feel no severe cramps or dizziness.

So as a result of my drowsiness, I fall asleep only a short time after she leaves despite the weird substance surrounding me.

I don't know how long I am out, but I know it has been quite a while. Hours.

I am asleep when the next person comes in to the all white room. They seem to have the need to walk around, despite the floating panel that I'd seen earlier.

I open one eye and peek at who was walking up to my tank.

This time it is an old woman with gray hair and matching eyes.

The monitor beeps to alert her that I am awake, but she just ignores it. She looks inside the gel filled container and grimaces. She then waddles back over to the monitor and her fingers fly rapidly as she types in multiple commands and phrases.

She stands back and watches as her masterpiece unfolds.

The little drone carrying the silver liquid disconnects itself from the side of the tank and then flies lazily down to hover just over the hardened substance that holds me captive.

A hole the size of a pin prick forms on the drone's underbelly and slowly a little drop forms.

It falls off the bottom, and immediately it eats through all of the gel it touches, and the gel around it begins to disintegrate, and then so on.

Soon I am lying against the bottom of the tank on a thin layer of blueish dust instead of the gel, and I can move freely.

The top of the tank opens as the glass that my back is resting against moves up.

I am soon in a standing position, my feet flat of the bottom of the tank.

The little wall piece that had been hovering beside the woman comes in through the top of the tank and slides down until it hovers just in front of my freed feet.

I got the memo quickly and step onto it.

It begins to rise back to the top of the tank and I wobble a bit and finally settle into a crouching position for the best balance.

As soon as it gets near the floor again, I try to leap off of it, but the melty liquid holds my bare feet tightly. When I am about to fall due to my failed attempt to escape, a piece shoots out and catches my hand.

I resume my squatting position with a sour look on my face.


The old woman watches me without saying a word. She then clicks more commands insanely fast, and the floor tiles melt away from the tank, and it sinks under them.

The floor then reconnects, and it is like the tank never existed in the first place.

I turn and stare at her. She does a weird hand signal and the wall piece that now resembles a Hover-Board surges forward to follow her.

What is it with these people and hand signals?

I grit my teeth as I rock a little bit. The wall opens up and as soon as we are through it, I expect the thing that holds me captive to return to it, but it does no such thing. I take in my surroundings as I am pulled through the hallway.

The hallway resembles the room I was being held in before: all white, nothing in it, and completely silent.

I decide to stay quiet as well.

We have been going down this hallway for what feels like forever at her torturing slow pace when she stops out of nowhere.

She turns and goes through what seems like another random wall, and the board follows.

What is there scares me to hell and back.

It is an entire room of Jumpers.


Hey again! The pic up top is kinda what I imagined her Jumper looking like. Aside from that I only have one question:

•What's gonna happen to Alexi?!

PS... 75 reads!!
Thank you for taking the time to read this story!!

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