14: Whispers

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I step out of the Jumper and into the blinding room.

A hand rests on my shoulder and I turn to look at the tall dark menace that stood behind me.

I narrow my eyes and then shoot him a look, and he lifts his hand and raises them together in surrender.

Oddly, I am not afraid of this person. It is weirding me out.

As I look around, I realize subtle damages to the room. A few cracks in the floor and walls and one of the lights is out. This doesn't feel like the other place did despite the room.

Another big difference is the fact that there wasn't a squad of silent capturers like the one behind me.

I walk around it in curiosity and suspicion. I cannot find a door.

Hmm. What if it works like the wall at th-

The sound of a low buzz cuts off my thoughts. I turn to see the stowaway step through a new doorway, waiting for me.

I set my jaw, then follow.

He jogs past me and in front of me, he pulls out his blaster.

I sigh.

He ignores it, and slows to walk through the all-white hallway. In a few spots, there are little smudges against the pale canvas walls and some of the lights in the ceiling were out.

This didn't feel right at all.

"Is there a way to get out of this building and to the road?"

He nods without turning around and points ahead of him.

I try to step as lightly as he does while walking through the hallway, but without my boots that adjust to their surroundings, my bare feet make light slapping sounds.

Every time I put one down, I wince because it echoes. In front of me, the guy stops. I am about to ask why when I hear it.


I look around frantically and try to muffle my humming air mask with a hand.

"Thermal signatures?"

"Yes. Two. In southwest hall."

"What species?"

"They appear, by size and heat, to be... Human."

Dead silence follows after the word "humans".

A cold sense of dread is filling me from head to toe.


"Alexi, hide. Hide in the walls. You know about the hidden rooms? Go into them. They should cloak your signature. Do it now. If I keep talking they'll hear me, even at this volume. I'll be waiting at the Floater House."

I gulp. So, Lukas is still here.

It took him long enough.

I look at Dark Menace and raise a hand to tap him lightly on the shoulder. He turns to look at me. I raise my hand again and point at the wall.

He turns his head to look at it, then back at me and nods. He raises his hand with three fingers up.



And we run for the wall.


Sorry! I knew that one took a little while to be posted. I was quite busy these last few days, but that doesn't excuse it! So as consolation, I'll write another one for you all tomorrow.
PS... 140 reads!!!!!!!!
Thank you for reading!!

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