16: Seriously?

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Dark Menace whips out his blaster and aims it just above my head, his gloved is finger shaking a little bit; hungry to pull the trigger.

My eyes widen.

That voice...

I open my mouth, hesitating before finally speaking.

"Wait, don't shoot," I whisper.

"Thanks for that. Took you long enough."

The familiar voice fills my ears again and I sigh in relief.

A small smile begins to form on my face. I pull off the air mask and my smile grows even larger.

"You're insane, you know that?"

"Insanely amazing," Lukas responds.

I shake my head and struggle out of my friend's grasp. I know Lukas allows to go though because an androids grip was virtually unbreakable.

I whip around and stare at the human-looking robot. My small smile has now broken into a huge grin and my cheeks burn from the strain.

"You're one crazy bastard, Lukas. You knew that if you put me there with those people that they would heal me. How did you get that woman to let me go? And how the heck did you-"

The sound of someone clearing their throat breaks my stream of questions.

I remember it isn't just me and Lukas in here.

I turn around and give a look to Dark Menace, who still has his blaster up, but his trigger finger is relaxed, and sits further away than earlier.

Although I feel as if I could trust this stranger, I can't risk him shooting Lukas, even if he did protect me.

"Could you put that down, please?"

My tone is clipped and tense. It almost sounds like an order before I say please.

"Depends. Are you sure this thing won't murder both of us if I do?"

His deep mechanical voice holds almost no emotion besides a slight undertone of concern.

I set my jaw and narrow my eyes.

"If Lukas was going to kill us, it would've happened already," I inform his tersely.

Dark Menace doesn't move his finger from the trigger. He still has his helmet on so once again I am left wondering what he is thinking.

"Okay," a deep foreign voice cuts in,"Dark Menace? Seriously? C'mon now Alexi, I thought you had more imagination than that."

The thick tension in the room melts at this comment and I almost choke on nothing.

Lukas!! What the heck!?

Lukas ignored me as the familiar Australian voice surfaces again:

"But really guys, we need to go. Like... Now. Because even though this is a pretty good hiding spot, they're going to find us eventually, and it won't be good for you two. Oh, and, that wouldn't get rid of me," Lukas says and gestures at the blaster.

I look over to see Dark Menace slightly lower the blaster as he considers what Lukas said.

"Alright," Dark says,"let's go."

He still doesn't holster the weapon.

He makes way for the wall walking sideways so that he can watch Lukas and the hall after it opens. I sigh, and begin to walk after him. Lukas is right behind me with an eye roll that could shake the entire planet.

Wow, I did teach you something after all.

I hear a strangled noise behind me and know it is Lukas in his new form struggling to hold back a laugh.

There you go! A shorty chapter for you guys. I'll write another one before the end of this week. After this week I am going back to camp so I wont be posting after Friday for a while. Anywho, thought y'all should know that.
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