33: Gleam

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I kneel down as I feel the blood begin to stream down my calf.

I knock on the hard wall all around the secure entrance to the train and find the hollow spot I was searching for.

I take a deep breath and pull the little metal scrap Lukas gave me and dug it into the wall until I break through the other side. I tug and tug and finally yank the small square off, exposing a thing of ancient times: an overall control panel.

Behind me, James unholsters his blaster and begins scorching the Victims that came to munch on the poor soul who dared to come into their territory.

I stand on my wounded leg as I slam my foot down onto an ID machine and pull out the first hunk of metal I could find.

I hobble back over to the panel and smash the hunk down into the lock over and over again until it falls away.

I rip it open with an agitated noise, and drag my finger down every single switch.

Darkness immerses me.

James yells for me over to roars and hisses of running Victims, swinging every which way... picking up my blood trail.

A hand grasps my arm and I flinch and begin to flail until I recognize the gleam of a blaster on his hip.


We move towards the doors to the train, and I gesture for him to pry them open.

As he is doing that, I tug his blaster out and hold it to the darkness.

Just as he gets it open far enough for us to escape, the first one lunges at James.

I shoot it square in the face and it falls limp inches away.

Cries began to fill the air as James pushes me through and pries the doors closed again.

In here, the lights are still on, and different machines are still whirring.

James grabs me and hugs me while mumbling through my hair:

"You're a genius."

I nod and pull away, still breathing heavily and looking around as I put his blaster back in the holster.

I guess about it's multiple power sources as I stare for a moment.

James tugs me towards the tracks as he looks over at a monitor.

06:00 was the earliest train. In the bottom right corner it read 05:54.

We stand there and wait as the pounding in the door grows louder. I look down at the silver tracks with strategically placed hunks of metal and magnets.

The large room begins to rattle and tremble as the door grows weaker, and the train arrives.

As it pulls up, thick metal arm-like devices locked into the wall and a small wall with a massive magnet on it slide up from the tracks as the train stops merely inches away from it.

James and I rub over to it, and move inside of one of the cylindrical, bullet-like capsules. Inside is a small table, two shells, and a plush carpet.

First class.

We turn to look out of the train as the doors break open and the forsaken creatures swarm in just as we begin to rocket away.

I look up at James and he looks down at me as we move into the daylight at over 600 mph.

"I'm coming home," James whispers.


Here's another! Muah!!!!! Might as well spoil you all before another block hits. Anyway, 615 reads.
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