15: Bots

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The wall's crazy technology is foreign to me, but I am guessing it works by scanning thermal energy and pulse to decide if they are allowed.

Or it is motion sensed.

I don't know.

As we ran at the wall, I worry it won't open for a moment, but luckily it does.

It melds open and we jump inside.

The lights inside the hidden room flick on and the doorway slowly closes. I back away from it until my back comes into contact with something.

I flinch and jump away. I turn around and look at it, and hold back a cry of panic.

There sits an unmoving robotic body that seriously resembles a human. It has bright army green eyes and reddish-golden hair.

Although I know that it is fake because of the removed hand that sits on the floor beside it, I am still freaked out.

It looks to be about, or resemble, someone around 25 years old.

I shake my head at it. I turn to see Dark Menace with his blacked out helmet unmoving as he stares in the direction of the chilling lifeless AI body.

I open my mouth to speak, but he raises a hand with one finger up over the mouth portion of his helmet in a "shushing" motion.

I nod.

Keeping an eye on the human-like android, I try my best to silence my breathing just as mechanical clicks sound outside.

I guess the creators of this place were clever enough to install some sort of sound system that listens to what's outside and transmits it into the hidden room because it's sound proof.

I know it is soundproof because if it isn't, the bots would've charged in and killed us.

With that, I breath normally and unclench my hands as the clicks subside down the hallway outside.

I glance over at the idiot that followed me through the Jumper and try my best to calm down and think straight.

He finally moves from his rigid position to make his way over to me.

"We need to go. Now," he informs me in that fake menacing voice.

I just look at his dark helmet for a moment and shake my head.

"They could still be out there. Bots are not stupid...At all," I protest.

And I haven't heard from Lukas yet.

I glare into the helmet. I am really starting to hate that thing.

"I know they aren't," he says in an obvious voice," and that's why we need to move...Now."

I grit my teeth.

This weirdo that I met like 10 minutes ago is acting like some sort of demented body guard!

Lukas, now would be a goo-

A mechanical whirring behind me interrupts my call for advice. I go stiff as soon as I realize what is behind me.

The human robot.

I gulp and start to inch away from the continuing noise and towards Dark Menace.

The name seems funny considering I am calling the one thing that doesnt want me dead a menace.

Just as I am about to reach towards Dark, a hand grasps my shoulder and yanks me back.

I gasp as I smack into hard metal. I start to panic again, my breaths rapid, but I didn't even attempt to contain them this time.

"Hello, Alexi. Perfect timing, right?"

Hey again guys. I won't be posting more this week because I'll be at camp and other stuff :)
The pic at the top is what I imagine the human-like robot looking like.
P.S. 186 reads!!!!
Thank you for reading!!♥️

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