17: Crunch

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The wall begins to meld open and Dark raises his weapon almost immediately. He whips from one side to the next with narrowed eyes and a stiff posture as soon as he steps out into the hallway.

I can practically feel his harsh attitude drifting off of him in large waves.

I clench my fists and stay close to Lukas. Worry is ever present at the back of my mind.

This new robot body is cool and all, but it is a much bigger target than his previous cube form.

I am a bit worried for my only friend, but I assume he would have a backup in case things went sideways out here... At least I hope.

As I move through the hidden room's exit, it begins the close around me almost immediately.

I jump out quickly and Lukas practically has to dive through it because the wall has began to meld back together around him... It couldn't sense a living being.

I shoot an "I'm sorry" look at Lukas, and I think my friend gets the gist. After all he can read me thoughts.

I pull my air mask back on.

As Lukas begins to walk away from the wall with me, I notice something.

In hand, ironically, is yet another hand.

I look at Lukas' right arm and the part where it has been removed.

I forgot about that.

Static fizzles in my ear and I shake my head as I prepare myself for commentary.

"This thing will be pretty handy huh?"

I groan inwardly.

Definitely. You don't have to use the radio anymore though. We're close to the exit-

A loud alarm blaring makes me stop mid-thought. My eyes widen and I frantically look at Dark who is in front of me and Lukas.

Dark gestures to start running towards the door. I nod and begin to run to catch up with him, and the moment I do, he speeds up.

Behind me, I hear Lukas' footfalls and it keeps me going despite how worn my body already is. I turn and look over my shoulder at my best friend and give him a small smile despite the fact that bots are probably lining up to murder us once we are found.

I can see the exit. It is around 300 yards away.

My smile returns and begins to grow with each step that I gain on it.

Over the blaring noises, I hear Lukas stop, and I slide to a halt when I realize. In front of me, Dark stops as well. I turn and look to see what is keeping the humanoid only to see nothing there.

I furrow my brow and am about to run back to him when my earpiece comes to life.

"Go. Don't come back here. They're just around the corner. Get out of the door."

I begin to walk towards Lukas when I see it. A small red box hovering like Lukas did originally. It flashes a light in some sort of forgotten code, and out from behind it, 5 spider-like bots arrive.

It would've been hell for anyone who hadn't survived the apocalypse, but luckily, they dont scare me as much as a Victim does.

Well, maybe...

Lukas doesn't budge as they begin to charge. I tense up behind him and prep myself for a fight.

Again, the original ear piece Lukas gave me begins to transmit.

"Go, get out."


"Don't be stupid. I have a plan."


"I'm being serious. I already told you they can hear us if they wanted to, so don't ask questions. Just turn and run."

Do it Alexi," Lukas orders in my ear.


"I promise, I'll be back."

With that, I turn and begin to run.

Dark got the idea and began to run with me to the escape as we heard the first sickening crunch of metal and the tearing of wires.

Hey guys. Going back to camp... Again!
Yay!!!!!! (No sarcasm) But that means you got another update :)
OH! 232 reads!!!!!!
P.S. Check out the first few chapters of What's with the Sunglasses? My new supernatural book!!!
As always:
Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!!!♥️

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