2. english

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My stomach drops in anticipation for what my mom has already sent to him. How did I not notice?

You: 안녕하세요 *^ . ^*
(Hello ☺️)

번호 착각하신 것 같아요
(I think you have the wrong person)

My eyebrows are furrowed in confusion trying to decipher the text. Why did she have to add such an obnoxious and overused emote at the end of a simple hello? Out of all the ways my mom has embarrassed me, this is definitely a first.

I concentrate hard to read what he has sent me. I can make it out enough to realize he is telling me he is not the person I'm supposed to be texting. Yeah... I can agree with that.

I am disgusted with myself that this is happening right now. I'm not going to answer.

I place my phone onto my sheets and relax into my pillow. For some reason I am biting my lip nervously as I open my browser. My eyes are not fully focused on the media displayed on the screen; instead, My fingers itch to pick up my phone. Why am I like this?

"No," I tell myself anxiously.

A few minutes pass and I realize I cannot stop thinking about the text message. Although my mom seems insane, maybe I should just roll with the punches. It crosses my mind that maybe he cannot speak English. Yes! I will only type in English now. That way I can at least tell my mom I tried.

You: sorry my mom gave me your number. ignore me lol

My thumb is hot when I click the send button. I lock my phone quickly and throw it back into my bed. I feel so awkward and there is nothing awkward about this. It only takes a moment for my phone to buzz again.

Do you know who I am?

Textbook English...

You: I have no clue who you are tbh
maybe I do have the wrong number lol

I don't get a lot of accidental texts

You: my mom is Kang Eun?? Ring a bell??

What bell?

You: lol
You: do you know her?

For the last few messages he had been typing directly after I sent mine. I notice there is no more typing indication. Did my mom actually give me the wrong number? I get up from my bed slowly and go back downstairs.

"Mom!" I yell as I approach the kitchen. I hear a faint answer coming from laundry room before I make my way over there. My mom is folding shirts.

I sigh, "he has no idea who you are. Do I have the right number?"

Her eyes go wide, "he answered?"

I am slightly confused by her bizarre reaction.

"You act like people don't answer their phones typically."

She rolls her eyes at me and snatches the phone from my hand. Her face drops at the sight of English words. I am already anticipating a slap on my arm, and when it happens I am not surprised.

"Ow," I whine, "It's not that big of a deal!"

"Foolish girl," she snaps, "he is probably thinking you are a crazy foreigner now."

"I am a foreigner," I point out.

Disappointment is written on her face as she puts a shirt under her arm to answer the text. I am relieved to see she is using the English keyboard. I am diligent in watching what she is typing.

"He won't know me. It was through a mutual friend," she tells me.

You: Doyoon knows my mom.

"Who is that?" I ask. The expression on her face tells me she will not answer me.

I huff, "why am I going to waste my time with him? He clearly does not live in America."

"He travels so it is fine," she assures me. I am skeptical of her vague and short answers about him, but I stay quiet.

I am cringing internally at the whole affair. I grab my phone back and leave the scene quickly. I have no clue who this man is or what he looks like. I am not usually superficial but what he looks like has a tiny effect on whether or not I'd be interested in him. I groan as I enter my room and return to my bed.

Why do you text me in English?

You: lol because I'm American and not good at using my korean keyboard

I had to add English keyboard to reply at first

You: you don't type in English ever?

I am still learning... sorry

"This is so weird," I tell myself. I am gushing at how cute he seems.

You: I'm Jae 😊

ahh.. yes.. hyung just told me

Although I am confused by what mutual contact we have, I don't question it. I feel as though if I burden him more he will stop replying. But isn't that what I wanted in the first place?

You: and you are...?


You: ok lol
I feel bad
you don't have to keep texting me
I know this is weird

I save his number as J.

J: I don't mind
i can practice English now
but I have to go

You: ok haha
oh right
It's late there

J: yes
But sadly I dont get to sleep yet ☹

You: why not?

J: busy schedule
Talk later?

You: sure 😊

ya ya ya
Imma just keep updating this. Hopefully people read it. But otherwise this is for myself I'm so sad lmfaooahzhsoak

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