17. hotel

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My eyes go wide when I realize it's David and I'm frantically looking around to make sure where Jungkook is. I don't see him yet, but it is hard to focus when David has shown up unexpectedly.

"Leave, leave, leave," I grab at his shoulders and turn him around to a direction away from the hotel. I'm panicking and don't know what to do.

"Why?" he's chuckling but I'm about to have a panic attack.

He's faced away from me and I'm attempting to push him by his shoulder blades. He is being stubborn and digging his shoes into the ground to stop himself from moving.

"Please," I beg, "Just walk away."

"Why? So you can meet up with Jungkook?"

I keep my hands on his back but am unable to push him anymore due to my shock. David turns his head slightly to see me in his peripheral vision but I am mortified that my little brother knows this information.

"How did you—?"


Holy freaking shit. I hear my name being called behind me, but I'm too scared to turn around because I know it's him. He's right behind me and here I am pushing my brother like a ten year old having a crisis at her birthday party. David's posture straightens and he turns around to look at Jungkook.

I close my eyes for a moment and I'm embarrassed. I can't look.

I feel David's hands grip my shoulders this time to turn me around. Curiosity overcomes me and I open one of my eyes while squeezing the other shut. I move back in surprise at how close he is to me and end up falling into David.

"Sorry," I mumble to my brother, but my eyes cannot leave Jungkook.

"I guess I'll leave," David says as he lets go of me, "You okay, sis?"

I nod because I'm speechless and just want him to get away. It's hard not to overthink everything now because somehow my brother knew about Jungkook when I did not tell a soul. Was it my mom? Did I sleep talk? How could he know? I push these thoughts aside and widen my smile at Jungkook. I don't know what to do— like always. I'm just happy David has left.

"You're here," I say in a breath.

Jungkook is wearing a large oversized black hoodie and fitted Adidas sweatpants. To my liking he is barefaced and without a mask, smiling cheekily at me as his eyes flick from my brother who is walking away and back to me. My mouth feels dry and I'm just staring at him. I'm supposed to be the confident American, yet he is the one to make the first move.

It baffles me when he takes a step towards me with his arms open. I don't hesitate to wrap my arms around his waist and lean my head against his chest. He is taller than I imagined, but I am also shorter than I think I am. I cannot believe he is allowing me to hug him right now. I'm jumping up and down in my head when I feel his arms fall on my back for a small embrace.

He rocks us back and forth for a moment.

"Ah," he is smiling and I can hear it, "Small Jae-ya."

His torso is so tiny that it can almost be compared to mine, but I can feel his shoulders are broad as I'm pulling away from the hug. I make sure to linger my fingers on his arms to get a small feel. He is toned.

"I didn't expect you to hug me," I say honestly.

He looks confused, "I thought it'd be odd to shake your hand."

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