56. cake

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for my soft babies out there, when the fluff ends u might wanna skip to the asterisks I luv u guys 💗



"You are too quiet, Noona," Jungkook sighs from behind me.

I unlock the front door to the hanok and slip my shoes off. I can admit that I am slightly overwhelmed and frankly— scared— about our meeting in an hour and a half. I don't want to make Jungkook anxious or nervous about it, so I didn't say much during our car ride over here.

"I'm just... tired," I say as an excuse.

It's semi-true. It's been difficult to sleep soundly with all of my worries about Auntie. Things just haven't been right, and it's difficult for me to pretend that they have been when she has been so sick.

Jungkook doesn't respond to me as I start busying myself with folding David's sheets. When I pulled my brother out from the couch this morning, there wasn't much time for either of us to think about the condition of the hanok before we left. Does it really matter? I feel as though I'm only caring right now because it gives me something to do other than worry.

I can feel Jungkook's eyes on me as I'm folding the blankets and fluffing David's stupid pillow. I don't want to think about it. It isn't Jungkook's fault that his company has asked me to give up the rights to my own brand— and, they potentially might ask me to it give up again after this meeting.

I don't want to express this to Jungkook right now. This is mostly because it hurts too much to think about. Does he know that's what happened? I'm curious but don't want to ask him in fear of stressing myself out.

"Please tell me what's worrying your mind," he mumbles.

I turn to face him. His stance towering above me is comforting. It's nice to have someone bigger than you sometimes— in some weird way it's as if he is shielding me from my worries when I look into his eyes.

His expression is so concerned and that's what hurts. It hurts that the legality of our relationship is in the hands of a company who would rather control my voice than let me prosper.

"I'm worrying about a lot of things," I sigh truthfully, "one of them is whether or not you ate breakfast."

He doesn't seem swayed by my attempt to divert. Jungkook surprises me by taking my hands into his. His large palm clasps over my fingers.

"It's my turn to worry about you, remember?"

"I'm fine," I shake my head.

He releases a heavy breath. We haven't seen each other in almost two weeks and worrying about each other is for when we aren't physically together— so, that's not what we're going to do right now.

I squeeze his hands and use them as support to lean up and kiss his lips.

He is gentle against me as if nervous about something also. I release our hands and place mine at the nape of his neck to get him to smile against me. It works. He's so adorable. I can't help my smile when I pull away from him. I place a small kiss on his cheek and my fingers are twiddling with his hair.

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