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this is really long. like, get ready. Thank you for reading. I updated again because you guys deserve it. Thank you ♥︎ I will edit any errors later. Xoxoxo



The black material of the sweatshirt smells just like him. It gives me a warm, soft feeling throughout the entirety of my body, and I find myself smiling like crazy.

I can't stop smiling. I can't ignore how significant this is for us. The Han River is a known location to bring a significant other. It's so romantic.

My breaths are trembling because after everything that I've gone through today, Jungkook somehow still managed to make me a smiling idiot— even while wearing a sweatshirt in the middle of the summer.

I pull my hair out from the sweatshirt and wait patiently as Jungkook is grabbing various things from the backseat. Predictably, he has a large backpack filled with all of his mystery items. I walk around the car and he is smiling when he closes the car door.

I'm grateful that it isn't that hot out tonight. Being by the river makes wearing a sweatshirt seem a bit more believable— I mean, I don't want to get spotted or anything. I don't know how I would feel. How would he feel?

"Are you sure this is okay?" I ask.

I'm looking around from our position at the car, and in the distance I can see that there are a lot of people here.

"I used to come here a lot," he says, "sometimes alone, other times with a member."

I raise my eyebrows. I guess since it is so dark out and there is a lot of commotion, people will be less likely to assume someone standing right next to them is going to be a famous idol. I'm hanging on this assumption.

I grab his hand and we walk quietly towards the park. Jungkook starts to swing our arms, and I'm overcome with an array of emotions. My heart is fluttering, beating anxiously, and I'm nervous all at the same time.

I'm absolutely infatuated with everything about this place— the people, the visuals, the lights and the overall atmosphere. It's moments like these that I am so grateful for life.

I sometimes forget that I'm a tourist. Yeah—I'm Korean—but I'm not from Korea. I've never been here.

I'm so excited that I have to let go of Jungkook's hand to retrieve my phone. The smile on his face tells me that he doesn't mind.

I capture as much of the atmosphere as I can. The sound of people fills the air: talking, laughing, busking and whatnot. When we approach the river more closely, there are steps where people are hanging around.

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