37. payment

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I feel exhausted as though I've just ran a marathon when I return back to Aunt Miyoung's home. My feet hurt, I'm sweating profusely and all I want is to just sit down.

I'm practically suffocating myself by wearing this mask, but I have no choice but to try to hide my face from everyone. I doubt anyone would even recognize me— but given that I'm at no luxury to take chances, I stick with the mask.

It took me a few phone calls to some nearby restaurants to find out where I could pick up some damn Naengmyeon for my ray of sunshine Aunt. Doing so distracted me from a silent walk of crying— so that was the upside.

I also managed to stop into a small convenience store and find some cheap cleaning supplies to clean the floor I will be sleeping on tonight.

I really don't know if I can stay with her.

I bought toiletries due to the fact that I don't think she can offer me anything close to resembling shampoo or hand soap.

I lied to Jungkook when I said it was "good"— it's unbearable. The smell is just something out of a horror movie, and the whole atmosphere of seeing her again is giving me anxiety.

I have no reason to complain to him now since he can't really do anything about it. It's not like I'm going to expect him to pay for my accommodation when I technically have a place I could stay in.

Once I talk to my mother about this, I'm going to try to get the hell out. I don't think it is possible though.

I don't have enough money right now to afford three months of a rent, nor a steady enough income.

The sun is setting when I slide open the door to Auntie Miyoung's hanok. Part of me expected the cluttered mess to be an illusion, but nope. Everything is untouched and still scattered along the floor. I sigh as I enter and place the bag of food down on a small table at the entrance.

She is still sitting outside, unmoving and staring into nothingness. Her breathing is heavy and she has a scowl on her face.

I attempt to turn on the light inside and nothing happens. I flip the switch a few times to make sure I'm not imaging what's happening— no, this has got to be a joke.

She doesn't have electricity?

I huff and walk outside. I pull down my mask to speak.

"Your lights are out," I say. I can't hide my frustration.

"How would I know?" She retorts.

"When is the last time you've had hot water?" I question.

She uses her hand as if to tell me to fuck off. This woman...

I stand and just stare at her. She is so unbothered by it all. It isn't possible that she has been living like this for long, otherwise she would surely be dead or looking more sickly than she does.

I can't help but feel somewhat bad for the poor woman, but that doesn't excuse her disgusting attitude towards me.

"I guess we're eating out here?"

"I don't care," she grumbles.

I roll my eyes and return back inside. I don't think I have ever rolled my eyes more than I am right now. I'm definitely taking advantage of her not being able to see my facial expressions.

I have to use my phone as a flashlight in order to maneuver my way around the place. I grab the bag of food and return to her. I squat down and I open the plastic container, shove a pair of chopsticks in and and place it on her lap. An expression of content spreads across her face, and she starts to eat.

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