31. mad

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A gasp leaves my lips before I can control it.

I can't tell exactly what the email says, but by the asterisks in the subject I can conclude that it is very important.

I'm nervous.

I thought that coming back to New York would stop the constant nervousness and stress, but his company has reached out to me again and it feels twice as threatening.

"David, go upstairs," I snap.

He laughs, "Um, no?"

I eye my mom and we share an expression.

"David," she snaps her fingers, "Go."

I'm relieved that our silent conversation could convince her to listen to me for once.

My brother's expression is the opposite of pleased. He looks as if I have betrayed him. I fear that the last week of sibling bonding has gone to his head.

I want to remain his fearsome older sister, but his annoying attitude is overpowering my leadership skills.

He grumbles angrily to himself before taking the bowl of fruit with him to the exit. My mom is quick to sit down next to me, and she pulls out her reading glasses from the pocket in her apron. I push the laptop slightly in her direction and open the email.

I am staring at her and holding my breath as she reads.

"This is a very serious e-mail," her tone drops.

"What does it say?"

She is silent but mumbling under her breath as she is reading. I find myself fidgeting with my hands and tapping my foot anxiously waiting. It feels like ten minutes have gone by but it's only been a few seconds.

"Mom?" I ask impatiently.

Her hand goes up to stop me from my bothering words.

I frown and sink into the seat. Although I could attempt to string together what the email says, it isn't worth the hassle when my mom is here. I wish this information didn't have to go through her, but beggars can't be choosers.

I hear footsteps in the hallway and roll my eyes.

"Is it bad?" I ask in Korean.

David won't win this time.

The week with Jungkook has improved my accent and tone greatly; I surprised myself as the days were going by in California.

"This will become a big discussion with your father," she says after a long pause.

We're having a conversation in Korean.

"Why? Tell me what it says," I feel like a broken record.

Just tell me.

"The company is requesting you to be in Seoul as soon as possible," she tells me.

I'm suddenly feeling defensive over my freedom of where I should be.

"What? Why?"

"It's very vague, JaeJe," she sighs, "They want a meeting with you."

Surprised is an understatement. The emotion I'm feeling right now, I cannot describe in any words. My stomach is in butterflies but overall I feel nauseous. That feeling of wanting to throw up from being so nervous has returned and it feels terrible.

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