A New Manager - Chapter 7

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Matthew looked just as shocked as everyone else.

"Wait, but I haven't - " he started, looking almost as if he were about to pass out at any given moment. However, he was quickly interrupted by Monsieur André, who seemed like he wasn't about to take "no" for an answer.

"Some of you may not know my son, but I am here to tell you that he will be a fantastic replacement!" André exclaimed, clearly trying to talk over Matthew.

"Dad, can we please - " Matthew started, although he was greeted by a sharp stare from Monsieur André.

"I can assure you all that the Opera Populaire is in good hands," André said firmly. The cast members, ballerinas, detectives - anyone you could think of who was in the room lingered in a bit of an awkward silence... goodness, this was such an uncomfortable situation.

You exchanged a glance with Matthew, and almost immediately, he stormed offstage...

André blinked a few times, dabbing his forehead with his handkerchief as he began to head over his son.

"We'll be back momentarily!" he shouted, leaving everyone standing onstage and waiting.

Everyone began to talk amongst themselves... more importantly, however, a few ballerinas approached you to talk about your relations with this supposed "new manager." After all, they had seen you two together before, and because he was the only man (besides Antoine) who they had seen you with, it only made sense if you two were considered a "couple."

"You never told me who that was, [Y/N]!" a petite little ballerina, not a day over fifteen, said. Her hair - which was mouse brown, tightly curled, and pinned out of the way - moved with her excited gestures as she spoke. "I had no idea he was going to be our new manager! Why didn't you tell me before?"

You let out a soft sigh.

"I didn't know about this either," you said with a frown.

"He looks upset," another ballerina added.

No duh.

"I know," you muttered. "There's nothing that I can do now, though - it isn't my business unless Matthew asks for me to do something about it. It would just be intrusive otherwise."

"He looks rich," another - disgustingly older - ballerina added. You blinked a few times as you glanced at the woman, who was seductively twirling her hair and biting her lip. She glanced at you. "You're a lucky woman, [Y/N]."

You kept yourself from rolling your eyes.

"Thanks," you muttered. Of course, you and Meg seemed to be the only people to know that you and Matthew weren't a couple, and with all of the other responsibilities that Matthew had to carry on his shoulders, you decided to spare him the monstrosity of someone like her... Not only was she an emotional wreck, but she was far from attractive, as there were many things that she could do... Hygiene wise.

"Wait!" The brunette, spiral-haired ballerina exclaimed. "You're with him!"

"Of course she is, you little imbecile," the older ballerina said, slapping the girl's arm out of frustration. "If she weren't, and if I were not the good-hearted person that I am, I would be doing plenty of this with him as we speak."


You nearly gagged.

After dealing with comments like those for the next hour or so, you were all finally released, and you made it your personal mission to find Matthew... By God, did you feel terrible for the man.

As you wandered throughout the corridor, you paused as you found yourself at the manager's office... Sure enough, Monsieur André was in there, and you saw the back of Matthew's head.

"My apologies if this is a bad time," you said softly. "I just... I came to ask if there was anything else I could help with regarding renovations."

Ah, that was such a lie... But Monsieur André seemed to buy it.

"No, no," he said, letting out a sigh as he straightened out some papers on his desk. "It's alright, we're good..."

Matthew glanced back to you, sending you what could only be described as a pleading look, and you shot him a pitied smile.

"We were just finishing up our conversation," André said. "Just keep your wonderful attitude around, and we should be just fine... Now, would you mind going outside for a moment as Matthew and I finish speaking?"

You nodded quickly.

"Of course, Monsieur," you said. "Thank you."

You left the room and closed the door behind you, leaning your back against the wall as you let out a bit of an exhausted sigh.

It took a few moments until Matthew made his way out, and almost immediately, the both of you locked eyes before he wrapped you in a tight hug... You could easily tell how exhausted and shocked he was.

"I can't do this," he muttered, taking a few frantic breaths. "By God, I already have a job and a house - how am I supposed to leave everything just for some fantasy my dad wants me to live out?"

You patted his back gently, trying to comfort him in any way possible.

"What about you? I won't be able to walk you back anymore, and... God, I don't want to know what could happen," he said. He pulled away from your hug as he stared you in the eye. "[Y/N]... I don't know what to do."

You stared him right back in the eye, and you gently held his face in your hands.

"You're the smartest person I know, Matthew," you said quietly. "I'm certain that you'll figure something out."

He looked as if he were about to say something else, although yet again, he just pulled you into another hug.

"Thank you," he muttered.

"Of course," you nodded. "Let me know if you need anything at all, okay?"

He nodded softly, and yet again, he let out go.

"I will," he said, letting out a long sigh as he massaged the bridge of his nose. "If it's alright with you, I think I need to go home and get some rest... I'll see you at work tomorrow, yeah?"

You nodded.


With that, he made his way (seemingly faster than humanly possible) out of the opera house, clearly distressed after everything that had happened.

On your way back to your room, a nervous knot in your stomach began to form... You suddenly remembered that Francois and Peter were searching for entrances, and despite the fact that they were all locked up, you were still concerned about Erik's safety. What if they managed to open one of the entrances? What would they do when they found him?

However, it seemed as if Erik already had that covered, as you soon found him right beside you.

A/N: Wow, only the seventh chapter and the drama is already starting! More so now than ever, that is! Don't worry - we're not going to stay in this phase of you only technically being the lead soprano for much longer. Vote, comment, and all of that good stuff - I'll see you next update!

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