At a Loss - Chapter 36

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Antoine was easy to find. The man dressed in his finest attire, who seemed to grow an inch between every time that you saw him, stood at the main entrance, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed curtly over his chest.

"About time, Mademoiselles," he said, pushing himself off before making his way over. Now that you finally got a clear look at him, you noticed that his figure was still quite lean, granted his long career at the opera house... but you also noticed stress and time had taken away from that once shy, passionate man.

"Monsieur Matthew said that there was good news?" Meg said, her voice laced with a tremendous amount of hope. Her eyebrows furrowed a little. It really looked like you could have used the good news, and her concern for you was etched on her face... although she let out a soft chuckle after a moment, as if there was something comforting her in that temporary wave of worry.

Antoine looked just confused as you were, although he didn't mention anything about it. He simply tried his best to answer the question.

"Well, I... suppose..." He glanced to Matthew for a few moments, as if trying to read what the news was from his expression, but he still didn't seem to understand. Matthew just gave a soft chuckle in entertainment. How this was entertaining, Antoine wasn't even close to knowing– but it would have to work for now.

"Tell them what you told me," Matthew said, as if the answer was the most obvious thing in the entire world. "It's tremendously great news."

"Oh— that the Monsieur is eating again?" Antoine asked, glancing to you as if to confirm that was what the brilliant news had been about... Soon after, however, he glanced over Meg, as if concerned as to why this was such good news.

You were simply relieved— and terribly confused at the same time.

"Was he not eating before?" you asked, your chest tightening with concern (though it retracted a little when you remembered he was eating now). "Why not?"

"Let's discuss this at lunch," Matthew responded, hardly giving Antoine enough time to answer your question. "I'm sure we're starved right now, no?"

You were particularly fine at the moment, but after a few moments of thinking... that was definitely best. You hadn't realized that you'd been quite stressed, and you hadn't eaten nearly enough in the past few days. Perhaps it also had something to do with the difference of not Donadieu reminding you every single day.

"Yes, actually," Meg said, giving a soft nod. Antoine began to drift into the direction of the exit, which seemed to make everyone follow— subconsciously or not. "I could certainly do with a meal right now."

Antoine gave a soft nod before drifting over toward the exit, hoping that everyone would follow... but to be honest, he wouldn't even care if nobody followed him– he was starving (he hadn't eaten since yesterday afternoon), and he knew that Matthew would be able to lead you and Meg to Le Bouillon Chartier.

Thankfully, however, you all were more than prepared.

The streets of Paris were particularly busy today. You could have sworn that at least seven carriages trotted by, and the lot of you got jostled around while you made your way over... Save for Meg, who was very polite when people parted like the Red Sea for her— which most definitely had a lot to do with her pregnancy.

But the amount of people walking around was quite unusual... Especially considering the fact that it began to sprinkle.

As soon as the Bouillon Chartier was clearly in sight, Matthew jogged ahead and held the doors open, just to make things easier for everyone...

It was really nice to be back. Quite honestly— the smell of freshly-baked bread, the glow of candlelight, the glass vases with lavender in them... Though it hadn't been too long since you had been there, the flood of nostalgia overwhelmed you a little— and you couldn't help but smile.

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