Story - Chapter 30

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For the first hour or so after everyone left, you were honestly grateful to have a break. The dimly-lit candles, the silence, and the ability to sleep was definitely nice...

But after jolting awake after someone had come in and snuffed all of the candles, you realized just how alone you were.

Waking up without Erik next to you was harder than you had anticipated. Every time you woke up, you felt as if you had just expetienced a terrible nightmare, and you would reach over to see if Erik was next to you... but of course, you were greeted by the silky sheets that no longer felt welcoming.

It was even harder when you realized that the world just continued on without him.

Though shrouded in complete darkness, each and every little sound made your heart ache. The dripping water and occasional breeze humming throughout the opera house just made the fact that you were alone even more evident.

You didn't even realize that you began to cry.

By the time you had, however, you hardly cared— he'll, you would have cried the entire night if you hadn't heard the soft pattering of feet a distance away.


You recognized the voice immediately.

"Meg? That's you, right?"


There was some more shuffling, and after a moment, you saw a flickering, orange light emerge from behind a corner.

The both of you paused the moment you locked eyes on each other.

It seemed as if the both of your appearances had changed significantly— though you were much more pale, lanky, and thin, Meg had grown a considerable amount around her stomach— but she looked as if she had aged years since the last time you had seen her.

"Meg... what's wrong?" you asked, taking in her appearance. "You look—"

"Horrid, I know," she said, hiking up her loose nightgown a little as she made her way next to you. "The baby's been growing... but enough about me. Are you alright? Do you need anything?"

"No, just... some company," you said, your lips breaking into a weak smile as you looked up at Meg. Her hollowed face was lit by the candlelight, and as she set the candle down, she turned to you with a sad smile. She wanted to say something, but she didn't yet know how to say it.

"Hey, Meg," you said, staring up at the ceiling as you let out a sigh. You glanced back at her. "Can I talk to you?"

She gave a soft chuckle— something that, while she wouldn't admit it, she hadn't done in God knows how long.

"Of course you can," she said, pushing that other thought back for later. "Why else would I come here?"

You chuckled a little.

"Wow, thank you, Meg," you said. The both of you exchanged exhausted smiles at each other, and she looked at you expectantly. You let out another sigh. "I just... I don't understand what happened to Erik."

"To who?"

"Erik," you blinked. "You know, the..."

You paused.

She still didn't know.

You gulped a little and, while Meg continued to wait expectantly, you tried to figure out the best way to say what was on your mind...

But the funny thing was, you couldn't even remember how you started it

All you remembered was pouring your heart out to Meg. She didn't seem hurt by the fact that you never said anything (which ironically made your guilt multiply by tenfold), and as you told her about the whole affair and secret wedding, she was interested in the entire story.

Not once did she speak.

"...and now, everyone's here believing that Matthew and I are having an affair," you said. "Which makes no sense, I guess, but..."

Meg nodded softly.

"I mean, it make sense," she said with a slight frown, shifting in her spot as she glanced down at you with a worried expression. "But wouldn't you rather be notorious for being in love with the opera ghost as opposed to the manager?"

The moment she said that, however, she was quick to change her mind.

"Actually... never mind," she said, her eyebrows furrowing as she buried her face into her hands. "Sorry, that was really stupid of me to say."

"Don't worry about it," you said, shaking your head with a small smile. As soon as her hands fell from her face, you reached over to grab onto one— something told you she definitely needed to be comforted. "I know you came for a reason, too, Meg... what's on your mind?"

You felt her squeeze your hand even more tightly.

"It's about the baby," she said. Her voice suddenly choked up. "[Y/N], my mother hates me now. I'm not allowed to dance, watch, or anything around here anymore— she practically stripped me of the family name."

"Oh, Meg," you said, your eyebrows furrowing as you brushed your thumb against the back of her hand. "I'll talk with her. I'm sure she'll come to her senses sooner or later."

"It's not only the fact that she's upset with me, though," she said, using her free hand to wipe her eye. "I feel bad for my child... I haven't even met them, but I can't— I can't love them if... and it isn't fair that they haven't done anything but exist and I already hate them. They haven't done any wrong, and I just... It's difficult. My baby never asked for this."

"Take a deep breath, Meg," you said, your eyebrows furrowing a little. "I promise you... no matter what happens, I am going to be here for you."

Meg sniffled a little, as if debating whether or not what you said was really true, and she just slowly nodded.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so exhausted," she said. "Both literally and with everything going on right now."

"Come spend the night, if you'd like," you said, smiling just a little. "Like when we were kids, remember?"

Meg glanced back at you, and you were quick to notice that her face was wet with tears... and though she seemed a little upset, she was still smiling.

"I really wish I could," she said. "Honest to God, I really... I do... But I have to pack my things for tomorrow."

"If you need any help, let me know," you said, giving her a reassuring nod.

The moment she smiled over at you, you began to connect the dots.

Around the same time Meg suspected she was pregnant, you had noticed that Matthew had lipstick on his collar— and that neither one of them seemed to be on speaking terms after the entire fiasco.

You gave an audible gasp as Meg turned to leave.

"Was it Matthew?"

She glanced back over her shoulder, holding her candle carefully so it wouldn't blow out, and she cocked an eyebrow.

"Pardon me?"

"Matthew, who... erhm, got you pregnant," you said, realizing that your outburst probably didn't help.

Meg looked at you for a moment, furrowed her eyebrows, and gave a soft chuckle.

"Of course not," she said. She paused for a moment, as if debating as to whether or not she should say anything more, and you noticed how embarrassed she suddenly seemed to get. "I... I'll tell you in good time," she said. "Just... Preferably when you're ready."

A/N: SIS THIS PLOT TWIST IS........ AHHHHHHHHHHH. Anyway, sorry for a lack of activity in this book! There's so much to sort out, lol— but... You'll see soon enough, I promise. Love you all, and see you all soon! 💖

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