Baby - Chapter 34

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Up until this point, you had spent most of time recovering... but you made your very first public appearance (at least, in the Opera Populaire) the next morning.

You were practically bombarded.

"Excuse me... Can you please..."

Annie, the little ballerina who had come to your defense time and time again, weaved through the gossiping dancers while you tried your hardest to push it to the back of your head...

But sure enough, your face lit up the moment you saw her.

"Annie! How are you?" you asked, wrapping her into a hug (while ignoring everyone else) with a smile.

"I should be asking you that, [Y/N]!" she said, her face going quite pale. "I heard what happened! Are you alright?"

"Yes- it wasn't anything too deadly," you said, giving a small smile as your eyebrows furrowed. That was a lie, but you wouldn't deliberately say that. You grabbed her shoulders, as if to confirm the reality that your friend was right there, and you couldn't help but feel yourself smile again. You wanted to continue your conversation. "How has the performance been?"

"It's... Been a little shaky, if I'm being honest," she said, glancing behind her to make sure the crowd had gone off. She was quick to grab your arm and lead you off to the right wing... and to your great surprise, Christine and Meg were both waiting there.

"Christine's been your understudy," Annie said softly, trying to stay out of sight from Madame Giry. Sure enough, at the mention of her name, Christine turned around- and she had that dazzling smile on her face.

"Bonjour, [Y/N]," she said. "I was just about to get ready for tonight's matinee, but do you think you might be able to have dinner with me afterwards? It might be a little late, but... I have to talk to you about something."

"Of course," you replied, smiling as you watched Meg finish tying the corset for Christine's costume (that looked familiar to you, as you had gotten to try it on a couple of times). You glanced to the blonde as she flashed you a warm smile.

"Fancy seeing you up and around again," she said. She had made frequent visits to you, coming in during the nights (as she was either isolated or helping out during the day), and because she came in so often, you hardly noticed that her "belly" was much larger than it had been before. Her eyebrows furrowed a little. "You've been alright, I hope?"

"A little more exhausted than usual, but... yeah, I've been doing well," you said, giving a small chuckle. As Meg tied off Christine's corset, she just chuckled and shook her head a little.

"Tell me about it," she chuckled, brushing off Christine's skirt before letting her off— in which she still had her hair and her makeup to do. She was certainly blessed at being naturally beautiful, though— it was almost unfair. Christine offered you a quick wave as she made her way off.

"Anyway," Meg said, placing her hand on her hips as her gaze fell to the ballerinas. Her eyebrows furrowed, and she looked both happy and horribly sad at the same time— perhaps her emotions had something to do with nostalgia, or longing, or perhaps even envy. She missed it. She was quick to snap out of her bit of a trance, and she glanced back to you, her smile returning to her face. "Come walk with me, [Y/N]. It's been lonely without you here."

Annie nodded.

"Certainly," the petite girl agreed. "I'll have to dance, just so Madame Giry doesn't come for my blood, but find me around dinner time, alright?"

"Of course— see you later," you smiled, giving Annie a small wave as she scurried off (and she was quick to be scolded by Madame Giry for being late).

The Man Clad in Black: Book TwoOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant