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"the money," the woman explained over the phone once again, "will be deposited to you as compensation for your tragic loss."

"h-how much?" yeseul asked in a quiet voice.

"one point two million won," the woman replied. "once again, seoul life insurance sincerely apologises for the sudden death. we will cover the funeral costs."

yeseul nodded, barely making out an, "okay," before slamming the payphone onto its pad. still gripping tightly onto the phone, she hung her head low, sobbing loudly inside the booth.

"let's get life insurance."

"it'll benefit you in the future."

"do you trust me?"

"i should've said no!" yeseul scram, kicking the door in frustration before sliding down against it. she buried her head in her arms as she bawled.

"i should've known, i should've known..." she repeated between sobs. "it was so obvious! he must've been waiting for me to realise... i'm so sorry, chan, i was dumb..."

all yeseul could hear was the echoing of one million won, chan's reassuring voice, and her own wailing.

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