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13 | thirteen

no-one was at chan's funeral.


yeseul stood quietly, staring at the grave of her first and last love, with her younger sister crying next to her. she didn't expect many people to come, but she didn't expect her to be the only one either.

she wondered if her funeral was going to be this lonely — if she even had one.

"you were dumb enough to think that money could bring me happiness," she mumbled quietly, knowing she would break down if she raised her voice.

as she looked at the still grave, yeseul's heart tightened. she craved to see chan's uplifting smile just once more.

"but chan, i never wanted the money," she spoke soullessly, tears blurring her vision, "i only wanted you."

she walked to the freshly dug dirt and kneeled down in front of it. "maybe you didn't affect anyone else's life, but you have no idea what you did to mine. thank you for living as a genuine person."

yeseul closed her eyes and prayed, taking a deep breath before standing up again. she smiled at the silence of the grave, which spoke a thousand words.

"i love you, chan."

chan's will stated that the remainder of his money was to pay off his mother's bills, and the rest given to yeseul to handle.

chan sacrificed his life to make yeseul's better.

and money was the cause.

| fin |

a | n :
thank you for reading 🖤

a | n [2.0] :
i never wrote this book to gain views because the plot is very ✨real✨ so i just wanted you guys to know that out of all my books, i value those that read this one the most,,, like if you've voted or commented there's a 99% chance i've stalked your account hdjhjdhs anyway i love you and seriously thank you for reading

a | n [3.0] :
translation requests now open!! send me a message/comment here if you would like to translate :] 
// turkish translation now available thanks to fiorinily <3 //
// italian translation now available thanks to jnkiwis <3 //

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