The New Guys in town

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Picture of Cat's dress on the side

~Chapter 1~

Shelby hit the breaks and the car stopped immediately making me lean forward. "What the hell Shelby?" I yelled.

"What the hell, Bee?" Mariah shrieked. She smiled apologetically at us."Now my boobs hurt." Mariah whined.

"Guys can you shut up and look!" Shelby pointed out the window to the now un-abandoned neighborhood. There were at least 100 moving trucks in the neighborhood.

"I think someone bought the entire neighborhood." Mariah gasped.

"The gates are open!" Shelby squealed and drove in.

"Shelby, what are you doing?" I shouted.

"I just wanna check it out." Shelby said. Mariah agreed and I groaned.

"Look! 6 'o clock" Mariah whispered. I saw 3 guys carrying a bunch of stuff shirtless. One seemed to be the leader. He had dark hair and oceanic blue eyes. His vibe screamed player.

"Come on." Shelby pulled me out of the car and Mariah was fixing her shirt to make her boobs show.

"Bumblebee please, I don't wanna go." I whined making her roll her eyes. A girl with a skimpy skirt up to blue eyes the leader and started kissing him. He looked a little annoyed and when she kissed him, something bubbled in my stomach. It seemed like jealousy and anger but I managed to surpress it.

Shelby walked us to them and they looked up at us. Blue eyes the leader was staring at me like a creep. "Hi, I'm Shelby and this is Mariah, and Cat." Shelby winked at one of the boys with green eyes and blonde hair.

"I'm Chester and this is Rick, and Jason." Green eyes said.

"Oh, I'm Tiffany." The girl that kissed blue eyes-wait, his name is Jason- said.

"Nice to meet you. So you guys are moving into the neighborhood? The entire neighborhood?" Mariah asked.

"Yup, we have alot of pack mem- I mean people- I mean family." Rick said. I could feel blue eyes looking at me but decided to ignore it.

"I'm gonna go walk home." I suggested.

"Okay, I hope to see you later Cat" Jason winked at me making me blush a little. I turned around and started to walk towards the gate. I started to walk faster once I got out of the neighborhoods and ran home.


I opened the door and was tackled by my little sister and brother. "Cat! "They squealed.


"Look what we did!" Autumn pulled me to the living room.

"Look!" William pointed to a crayon picture of a stick with blonde hair?

"It's you, Cat!" Autumn said.

"Oh, wow, that's..... different. Different amazing!" I lied pretending to be excited.

"Yay!" They ran away leaving me looking at the creepy picture.

"Mom!" I yelled. I ran into her room where she was curling her hair and in a nice dress. "Hey, mom, did you see the people moving into the neighborhood a couple blocks down?" I asked.

"Of course I did. Do you remember Paulina? She was my old high school friend. She bought it with her husband. We were invited to a dinner tonight with her family." She said excitedly.

"Well, that's-uh, great." I said.

"Take my credit card and shop for a dress! Make sure it's nice and not too expensive." My mom put emohasis on her words so I knew not to buy a million dollar dress.

The doorbell went off and I ran downstairs. Shelby and Mariah were there. "Can you give me a lift to the mall? I need to shop for a dress. There's this dinner thing and I have to go so... yea." I told them. That was all they had to hear to throw me in the car and speed off.


The dress I'd bought was black at the top and strapless. It had a bow around the waist and black lace at the bottom that flowed mid thigh with cream coloured silk behind it. I bought cream heels to match it. When I got home, my mom was in her tight button up shirt and pencil skirt for work. "Girls, can you take care of Autumn and Will?" My mom asked us.

"Sure." We said in unison. She grabbed her stuff and exited the house.

"Shelby! Mariah!" Autumn and Will yelled hugging them.

"Hey kiddos!" they laughed.

"Cat, can we watch Spongebob? Pretty please?" Autumn asked.

"Sure." I turned on the TV and switched it to Nickelodeon. Autumn and Will sat on the couch and I went into the kitchen with Mariah and Shelby following. "So?" I asked.

"So what?" Mariah.

"What did you guys do with the people we met?" I asked.

"Oh. That. Well, they are enrolled in our school and I think Jason likes you." Shelby informed.

"But Rick is hot! They were freaking shirtless!" Mariah squealed. I pretended to gag making Shelby giggle.

"Shut up! They have the body of a god!" Shelby said. I stuck out my tongue sand she rolled her eyes.

"Come on. Jason was sexy." Shelby nudged me with her elbow.

"First, it's because I don't like him. Second, he has a girlfriend. Third, having a boyfriend invades my space." I explained.

"There you go again! You are a space freak! You always care about your 'face space'and freak out when you don't get space. And you could still not like him but think he's hot." Mariah whined.

"Come on. My space addiction isn't that bad." I exclaimed.

"Oh really? You punched Josh when he locked you in a closet! You broke the door and went crazy!" Shelby yelled.

"Whatever." Was my amazing reply.


"You look hot." Shelby said patting my head.

"That dress shows your amazing legs." Mariah squealed. I rolled my eyes and went downstairs. Mariah had curled my blonde hair and put on mascara and eyeliner to make my 'big blue eyes pop' as she says. I also put on cherry lipstick and a little eyeshadow.

Autumn had a black spaghetti strap dress that fell at her ankles and cute little sandals. My brother had a button up shirt with jeans and his tennis shoes. My mom had a cream dress that flowed below her knees and her favorite stilletos."Let's go, kids." My mom picked up William and I picked up Autumn.

The drive was pretty short considering they don't live far from us. "Cat, you look pretty! I wanna have long hair like you when I grow up and blue eyes." She said. I have my father's blue eyes and Will and Autumn have my mom's grey eyes.

I have blonde hair somehow because both of my parents have brown hair. "You're beautiful just the way you are." I gave her a reassuring grin and she giggled.

"You have a thing when you smile." She pointed out.

I chuckled, "Those are dimples, Autumn." I said.

She giggled and my mom stopped the car. "We're here!"

I got out and held Autumns hand. "Cat, the house is huge!" Autumn gasped in amazement. I chuckled and led her to the door. My mom knocked and a woman opened the door with a big, bright smile.

"April!" She hugged my mom.

"Oh, is this Catherine? You grew so much." She exclaimed hugging me. "You're so beautiful." She gasped.

"Thank you" I told her.

"Pauli! Call me Pauli." She said. "Jason!" She yelled. Oh no. Jason? Blue eyes? Creepy person that stares at me?

His hair was messy in a sexy way and he looked so... mysterious. He looked shocked when he saw me but his eyes turned gold. "Jason meet April. This is who I was talking about. Catherine, her daughter, and her twins Autumn and William." Pauli introduced. I could already tell this would be a long night.

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